[homeles_ot-l] Innovative fund launched to support local housing... - Nepean/Barrhaven Emc - Part Of The Performance Group Of Companies

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Fri Oct 16 12:44:51 EDT 2009

FYI . . . references to local groups and ATEH & report card data are bolded
in red below.

 Lynne Browne

Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness (ATEH)

147 Besserer St., 2nd Floor, Ottawa, ON K1N 6A7

613-241-7913, ext. 205

www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca/> 


Innovative fund launched to support local housing initiatives

Nepean/Barrhaven Emc - Part Of The Performance Group Of Companies,

Fri Oct 16 2009, Page: 5, Section: News 
Source: Nepean/Barrhaven EMC 

EMC News -- Hydro Ottawa and United Way Ottawa recently announced the
creation of a Targeted Community Investment fund to specifically support
initiatives that help keep Ottawa residents in need sheltered and warm. 

Called the "Hydro Ottawa Shelter and Warmth Fund," and managed by United
Way, the new fund will leverage the dollars contributed by Hydro Ottawa to
United Way each year to match employee contributions and fundraising. 

"As a provider of fundamental services in our community, we want our
charitable contributions to address basic needs as well. And no need is more
basic than housing," said Rosemarie Leclair, president and CEO of Hydro
Ottawa. "By leveraging United Way's knowledge of our community and its
needs, this new fund will help us funnel our support to the organizations
best placed to make a deep and lasting impact." 

This program provides assistance to low-income families and households who
are facing difficulty paying their energy bills due to financial hardship,
and may therefore be at risk of homelessness. 

"We were very pleased to work with Hydro Ottawa in developing this new
initiative," said Michael Allen, president and CEO of United Way Ottawa. 

"Targeted Community Investment funds allow organizations to play a more
active role in shaping our community by focusing their contributions on
priority areas where their investment will make the most difference." 

United Way will look for opportunities to replicate this model by working
with other companies and organizations that wish to set up their own
Targeted Community Investment funds. 

Based on the recommendations of United Way, the Hydro Ottawa Shelter and
Warmth Fund will provide assistance to several local organizations each year
that are helping those most at risk of homelessness to find or maintain
stable, affordable housing. 

The first round of funding will allocate $38,000 in corporate matching funds
from the company's 2008 workplace United Way campaign to support four local
organizations -- Options Bytown Nonprofit Housing, St. Mary's Home, The Good
Companions, and the Housing Help for Newcomers program at the Ottawa
Community Immigrant Services Organization. 

The launch of the fund was announced at the 20th anniversary celebration of
Options Bytown. 

"We were thrilled to hear about the creation of this new fund, and to be one
of the first recipients of support," said Lorraine Bentley, executive
director of Options Bytowne. 

"Hydro Ottawa and United Way have developed a truly innovative model to
support local housing initiatives. In the hands of local grassroots
organizations, their support will go a long way." 

According to the Alliance to End Homelessness, the rate of overall
homelessness in Ottawa continues to grow, with more than 7,000 people
requiring emergency shelter last year. 

The use of shelter beds in 2008 increased 13% over 2007, the amount of
families spending at least one night in an emergency shelter increased 14%,
and the number of children spending at least one night in a shelter raised

Edition: Final 
Story Type: Business; Statistics 
Length: 473 words 
Idnumber: 200910160008 

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Ad Value: $357.39 Circulation: 46,775

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