[homeles_ot-l] FW: podcast of presentations at Housing as a Right forum

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Tue Dec 14 11:50:26 EST 2010

FYI . . . Yutaka Dirks is also Co-Chair of the Housing Network of Ontario, ATEH sits on its Steering Ctte. 


Lynne Browne

Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness 

lbrowne at ysb.on.ca <mailto:lbrowne at ysb.on.ca> 

Office: 613-241-1573, ext. 205 

(note this phone # is in use temporarily until Jan 2011 )

Mailing addr: 147 Besserer St., Ottawa, ON K1N 6A7

www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca> 

NOW ATEH is on FACEBOOK HERE <http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Alliance-to-End-Homelessness-Ottawa/136029386442398?v=wall&ref=ts>  &

on TWITTER HERE @endhomelessOTT <https://twitter.com/endhomelessOTT> 


From: Yutaka Dirks (ACTO) [mailto:dirksy at lao.on.ca] 
Sent: December 14, 2010 11:45 AM
Subject: podcast of presentations at Housing as a Right forum 


Hi all,


Rabble has posted 2 podcasts from the Housing as a Human Right: Community and Legal Action to End Homelessness community forum that ACTO organized last week (and which many of you endorsed).  Linda Chamberlain from the Dream Team is featured speaking on her experience as a person who has lived with mental health issues and homelessness but is now in supportive housing, and there is a 15 min clip of me discussing the long-term affordable housing strategy and our 5 Tests.





Yutaka Dirks

Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator

Advocacy Centre for Tenants - Ontario

425 Adelaide St. W., 5th Flr.

Toronto, ON  M5V 3C1

Tel:   416-597-5855 x. 5243

Fax:  416-597-5821




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From: Yutaka Dirks (ACTO) 
Sent: December 13, 2010 10:10 AM
To: Yutaka Dirks (ACTO); 'MAUND, Jacquie'; 'Beth Wilson'; 'Lynne Browne'
Cc: 'John Campey'; 'phillipdufresne at sympatico.ca'; 'kerr.michael at gmail.com'; 'jds at hoacorp.ca'; 'brian.eng at mac.com'; 'HCooper at chfcanada.coop'; Martha MacFie (PETE); 'jposthu at toronto.ca'; 'draponi-monk at johnhowardtor.on.ca'; 'hpenfou at toronto.ca'; 'LMacDougall at chfcanada.coop'; 'avasey at cogeco.net'; Shelley Gilbert (LAW); 'mclemens at drouillardplace.ca'; 'canadaacorn at acorncanada.org'; 'lcoltman at sympatico.ca'; 'tkleinplatz at cogeco.net'; 'plahey at ontario.cmha.ca'; 'hhao at housingworkers.ca'; 'nstewar at toronto.ca'; Kathy Wodzinski (CLAS); 'lmacaulay at lutherwood.ca'; 'Marijana Matovic'; 'Tara Kainer'; Gina Cockburn (HAST); Robert Wood (MCQ); 'Michael Shapcott'; 'hcooper at chfc.ca'
Subject: HNO call today 1:30pm


Hi all,


Just a reminder that the next HNO steering committee meeting is today at 1:30pm.  You can also call in using the same number as always: call 416-645-1179 or 1-888-289-4573. Access Code: 3703388.  We are checking in about the upcoming meeting with Minister Bartolucci in January, and beginning the brainstorming to develop an action plan for 2011.  The meeting should be over by 2:30.  





1.	Introductions 
2.	updates:

pre-budget consultation

3.	Meeting with the Minister
4.	Plan brainstorm for spring 2010

-          media?

-          Events?

5.	Organizing opportunities / announcements
6.	set next meeting date



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