[homeles_ot-l] FW: OMHAKEN Newsletter January - February 2010

Tim D. Aubry taubry at uottawa.ca
Mon Mar 22 09:27:01 EDT 2010




From: Nandini Saxena [mailto:nandini_saxena at camh.net] 
Sent: March 18, 2010 12:29 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: OMHAKEN Newsletter January - February 2010 


Dear OMHAKEN Members, 


The latest edition of the OMHAKEN Newsletter, attached here in PDF format, contains articles on: 


*	Mobilizing Minds: Pathways to Young Adult Mental Health - a collaborative research project - involving young adults, community agencies, health professionals, researchers and experts in knowledge mobilization and youth engagement - which asks young adults what kinds of mental health literacy and decision making aids they would find most useful; and  


*	The Canadian Institutes of Health Research Evidence on Tap grant - a pilot grant opportunity, which researchers and a knowledge broker at McMaster University and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health are using to provide decision makers with timely evidence about the needs of youth experiencing concurrent disorders. 




Stay tuned! - For an upcoming OMHAKEN article on the recently released, Employment and Education for People with Mental Illness: A Discussion Paper. The Discussion Paper was authored by the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and is available on the OMHAKEN website here. <https://www.ehealthontario.ca/portal/server.pt/community/research_reports_and_discussion_papers/2310>  




If you have a story or piece of information related to OMHAKEN's work that you would like to share, please do drop us a line, at: heather_bullock at camh.net <mailto:heather_bullock at camh.net> , or nandini_saxena at camh.net <mailto:nandini_saxena at camh.net> . 


We'd love to hear from you. 


OMHAKEN is on the web! We have lots of new content so please take the time to click here <https://www.ehealthontario.ca/portal/server.pt?open=512&objID=1398&PageID=0&cached=true&mode=2>  and check out the website.


** If you have feedback, or wish to be removed from this mailing list, please contact Nandini Saxena, Communications Associate. Email: nandini_saxena at camh.net, phone: 416.535.8501 x6465






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