[homeles_ot-l] Nov. 19 - News & Final Program COMMUNITY FORUM ON HOMELESSNESS

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Thu Nov 4 14:29:45 EDT 2010

Please Circulate Widely


The Alliance to End Homelessness Presents


2010 Community Forum on Homelessness: Linking Research and Knowledge with Action and Policy, Honouring NATIONAL HOUSING DAY


Friday, November 19, 2010, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm. Location: Tabaret Hall, University of Ottawa at 75 Laurier E., 1st Floor. Registration Free, Lunch Provided.  


Please find attached:

1.      Final Program

2.      Registration Form  (Deadline Nov. 10th)

3.      A list of 'Table Talks' ...and a letter to ATEH member agencies and community partners inviting them to host a lunchtime 'Table Talk', an informal approach to networking at the forum. 


Lynne Browne

Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness


Program News . . . 


1. Introducing:   3 Commentators & 3 Perspectives on the National Report on the Health of the Homeless and Vulnerably Housed, to be presented by Dr. Stephen Hwang


Commentators: Can policy and research work together for more affordable housing?


            Aaron Burry               General Manager, Community and Social Services, City of Ottawa

            Louise Grenier         Lead, Mental Health and Addictions, Champlain Local Health

                                                Integration Network (LHIN)

            Dr. Isra Levy              Ottawa Medical Officer of Health


2. 'Table Talks' - the list to date of local hosts, their organizations and topics: 


*    Dara Spatz Friedman, PhD, MPH Epidemiologist & Tara Dwyer, Youth outreach nurse, Ottawa Health Department - Topic - The Enhanced Street Youth Surveillance study addressed several topics, including living situation, income, incarceration, education, overall health, alcohol & drug use, sexual assault & risk behaviours, pregnancy, infectious disease, and access to care. The focus will be on the living situation of youth. 


*    Karin Dudli & Joanna Bendayan, Case Managers, Options Bytown - Topic - Providing successful housing supports and interventions to individuals with a history of chronic homelessness


*    Christine Macintosh, Director Child & Youth Services Department John Howard Society & Dan Sabourin Youth Services Bureau - Topic - Youth Housing


*    Wendy Muckle, Director, Ottawa Inner City Health  - Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) - Topic -  The focus of the session with be strategies for successful housing for people with alcohol addictions - developing the right solution for each person. 


*    Annette Bradfield, Nurse Practitioner, Canadian Mental Health Association & consumer experts - Topic - Smoking cessation interventions: The focus of the session with be describing a group intervention smoking cessation program for individuals with a history of homelessness and mental illness.


*    Sue Evans, Executive Director,  Multifaith Housing Initiative


*    Jean-François Martinbault, Acu - Detox Specialist, Methadone Case Manager, SHCHC - Topic -  The purpose of this table talk is to raise awareness of opiate issues in Ottawa, to inform participants of the ways to detox off opiates in a way that will empower people to quit on their own and to encourage people to take charge of their recovery.


*    Jocelyn Plane, Graduate Student, Carleton University & Bruce Armstrong, Shepherds of Good Hope - Topic - "Do Neighbourhoods Matter?: Examining Neighbourhood Significance for Women who have experienced Housing Instability" 


*    Andrea Poncia, Youth Services Bureau - Topic -  A focussed discussion on youth, suicide and addictions.

*    Rob Boyd, Director Oasis Program Director, SHCHC - Topic - What is harm reduction?


*    Karen White-Jones, Oasis, SHCCH & Carol & Carol Skinner, Canadian Mental Health Association - Topic - This presentation will discuss an Art Therapy Group Treatment Program and offers practical information on providing integrated treatment using art therapy based on the stages of change with individuals with a co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder. 




Lynne Browne

Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness 

lbrowne at ysb.on.ca <mailto:lbrowne at ysb.on.ca> 

Office: 613-241-1573, ext. 205 (Temp. # )

Mail to: 147 Besserer St., Ottawa, ON K1N 6A7

www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca> 


ATEH on Facebook HERE <http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Alliance-to-End-Homelessness-Ottawa/136029386442398?v=wall&ref=ts>  &

on Twitter HERE @endhomelessOTT <https://twitter.com/endhomelessOTT> 


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