[homeles_ot-l] Deadline Oct 7 FW: Posting of Small Capital RFP

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Tue Oct 5 08:55:58 EDT 2010

FYI . . . HPI small capital RFP attached - deadline Oct 7
Lynne Browne
Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness (ATEH) 
lbrowne at ysb.on.ca 
Temporary Phone #:  613-241-1573, ext 205
Mailing address: 147 Besserer St., Ottawa ON  K1N 6A7 
www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca/>  


From: Heringer, Denise [mailto:Denise.Heringer at ottawa.ca]
Sent: Mon 04/10/2010 10:34 AM
To: Lynne Browne
Subject: re: Posting of Small Capital RFP

Hi Lynne,

I hope you are well? Would you please post the following Small Capital RFP on the ATEH website as well as the Listserve? Our self imposed deadline for posting the RFP is October 7th so if you can post on or before then it would be greatly appreciated.





La version française suit:

In Ottawa, a group of stakeholders representing homeless service providers and funders has been meeting for the past four years.  This group is called The Homelessness Community Capacity Building (CCB) Steering Committee.

Through the City's Housing Services Branch, this CCB Steering Committee will soon be allocating the City's remaining funds from the federal homelessness program, currently called the Homelessness Partnership Initiative (HPI).

Local agencies in the homelessness services system or partnerships/coalitions may apply for small amounts of funding for purchasing equipment or supplies, or to make necessary improvements to the program's physical space or infrastructure.  

For more information, please see the attachment below:

Denise Heringer MSW.,BSW
Program Coordinator

Homelessness Programs
Housing Services

City of Ottawa
100 Constellation Cres. 8th fl. East
Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
work: (613) 580-2424 ext.43139
fax: (613) 580-2648
mail code 26-48 

<<HPI Small Capital RFP, Fall 2010.doc>> 


À Ottawa, un groupe de représentants du secteur des services aux sans abri et des bailleurs de fonds se réunissent depuis quatre ans. Leur groupe s'appelle Le Comité directeur sur la capacité communautaire de lutte contre le sans-abrisme. 

Par l'intermédiaire de la Direction du logement de la Ville, ce comité directeur affectera les fonds restants du programme intitulé : Initiative des partenariats contre l'itinérance (IPI)

Les organismes locaux dans le système des services aux sans-abri, individuellement ou en partenariats, et les coalitions peuvent demander de petits montants d'aide financière pour l'achat d'équipements et de fournitures, ou pour améliorer l'espace physique ou l'infrastructure ayant trait à la livraison de programme.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez vous reporter à la pièce jointe:

Denise Heringer MSW.,BSW

Coordonnatrice de programme- 

Unité des programmes d'aide aux sans-abri 

Direction des serices de logement 

Ville d'Ottawa

100, promenade Constellation, 8e etage Est, 

Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8 

téléphone : 613­580­2424, poste 43139

<<HPI Small Capital RFP Fall 2010_FR.docx>> 


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If you are not the intended recipient, please notify me at the 
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toutes ses copies. Je vous remercie de votre collaboration.

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