[homeles_ot-l] Discovery University Fall 2010

Wendy McCarl wmccarl at ottawamission.com
Wed Sep 8 10:59:32 EDT 2010


Hello Everyone,


For those of you I haven't met, my name is Jill Zmud and I'm the new
program coordinator for Discovery University here at the Mission. 


In case you haven't heard about Discovery University, it's a program
offered to clients to take non-credit university courses through the
University of Ottawa and Saint Paul's University. This fall's course, A
Few Cases of Current Ethical Dilemmas: from Health Care to Lobbying
Practices in Canada, will be taught by Professor Clinton Archibald. He
envisions debate and discussion on a variety of topics.


>From October 1st  to December 3rd, the class will be held every Friday
afternoon at the University of Ottawa. Tutorial sessions are held each
Wednesday evening at First Baptist Church. A light supper is offered
before the tutorial.


If you know clients who might be interested in the program, please have
them fill out the attached registration form and questionnaire (to be
returned to me by Friday, September 17th). I've also attached an
outreach letter for your own records and information.


Of course, if you have any questions at all, I'd be happy to answer


All the best,



Jill Zmud

Program Coordinator, Discovery University

Ottawa Mission

Tel: 613-234-1144 ext. 296

Fax: 613-234-7588

jzmud at ottawamission.com 


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