Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 21 16:21:49 EDT 2011

Dear Alliance listserve folks,
You will see my response to Mr Rheaume below. I would suggest that you not engage in this effort with him.
Mr Rheaume,
I am the co-chair of the Ottawa Poverty Reduction Network, a member of the Poverty Reduction Strategy steering committee, a former chairperson of the city's Poverty Issues Advisory Committee, a former chairperson of the Ontario government's Social Assistance Advisory Committee, a former president of the National Anti-Poverty Organization and a member of several other community organizations. I know something about poverty and the services offered to low-income and senior residents of the city. 
I have received copies of the appeals that you have put out in the past and have ignored them. However, I find the letter and background info that you have sent out on April 18th to be offensive, misleading, outdated and, in many points, untrue. I would suggest that you give up this campaign of yours because it is pointless. There are probably few people in this city who would welcome an advocacy campaign that would address the real needs of seniors and the low-income community more than I would. The way to mount such a campaign is not by passing around information that is not valid and by insulting city staff, council and volunteers as you have done. I would suggest that some of your comments verge on libelous.
I was quite surprised to see you take credit for the decision of the city to change how they assessed eligibility for the EHSS program. My impression is that these changes were made in spite of your representations, not because of them. I was present at the Community & Protective Services Committee meeting when you made a deputation to the committee. You were asked by at least one councillor to substantiate your claims with evidence and told him that you had lots of evidence but it was at home. 
I spoke to you that day and tried to explain that the city has many programs that have eligibility criteria based on different factors such as age, income and/or asset levels, family status and medical condition among others. These criteria exist so the city can direct its programs to meet specific community needs and ensure that city dollars are spent appropriately. Not everyone will be eligible for city-funded benefits in every instance. I am aware that Mr Kanellakos, the Deputy City Manager, has repeatedly and patiently explained the errors in your theory. It appears that Mr O'Connor, the City Solicitor, has done the same. Either of these gentlemen will be able to tell you that I don't always see eye-to-eye with them but this is not one of those occasions.
You seemed to be a nice person on the occasion that I met you and you may indeed have the interests of the senior community at heart but I would suggest to you that it is time to give up on this crusade. I'm sure it has been very frustrating to you that nobody sees your point of view.  It is time to turn your time and effort to another issue.
Linda Lalonde,
Anti-poverty Advocate.

--- On Thu, 4/21/11, Lynne Browne <lbrowne at ysb.on.ca> wrote:

Hello everyone, 
Please see the request below from Mr. Rheaume who has had a conversation with Perry Rowe. Perry sits the Alliance Steering Ctte and has suggested this appeal go out to the listserv. If you are interested in offering support you may contact Earle directly at Tel: (613) 834-2635 or e-mail: earleb at rogers.com. 

Lynne Browne
Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness 

From: Earle Rheaume [mailto:earleb at rogers.com] 
Sent: April 20, 2011 1:06 PM
To: Lynne Browne
Importance: High
Your moral support for 131 of the city’s most vulnerable citizens is requested. 
Please peruse the three attached documents in the following order; 
1.       OTT.Asset Level Revision Oct 19 2006 (3). Dock (29 KB. 
2.       Equal Benefits Meeting – Questions and Answers Jan 21, 2010.dock (16 KB) 
3.       Equal Benefits Letter to April 18, 2011.dotx (29 KB) 
I sincerely hope that my messages are clear and easily understood. 
I hope to hear from you soon. 
Earle Rheaume 
940 Lucille Way 
Ottawa ( Ontario ) K4A 4H9 
Tel: (613) 834-2635 
E-mail: earleb at rogers.com
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