[homeles_ot-l] TD Financial Literacy Grants/ Fonds de subventions d’éducation financière TD

Sorensen, Jean jean.sorensen at ottawa.ca
Thu Dec 1 08:28:46 EST 2011

La version française suit

The TD Financial Literacy Grant Fund is now accepting applications for its fourth round of grants. The deadline for submitting applications is February 2, 2012. Charitable and non-profit organizations interested in applying for grants are encouraged to review the Fund's guidelines and application form available at www.sedi.org/grantfund 

Fund Objective

The primary objective of the TD Financial Literacy Grant Fund is to increase accessibility to financial literacy education for people living in Canada who may normally be excluded from mainstream financial organizations, enabling them to develop skills, knowledge and confidence in financial issues. The Fund provides grants to charitable or other non-profit organizations that serve low income and otherwise economically disadvantaged persons and groups in Canada to support and promote financial literacy.
The Fund will gather and disseminate the learnings that emerge from the best practices of projects supported through the Fund and will evaluate and communicate the impact of funded projects.

Scope of Grants

Grants will be awarded to organizations across Canada. The Fund will make every effort to encourage applications from all parts of Canada and to avoid the concentration of grant recipients in a limited number of geographic areas.

Grants awarded will generally range from $25,000 to $100,000. Projects may be up to two years in length.

For more information contact:

Michael Scott, Manager, TD Financial Literacy Grant Fund
Social and Enterprise Development Innovations (SEDI)
Tel: 416-665-2828, ext. 238
mscott at sedi.org | www.sedi.org
Fonds de subventions d’éducation financière TD

L'objectif principal du Fonds de subventions d’éducation financière TD est d’accroître l’accessibilité à une éducation financière aux résidants du Canada qui seraient exclus des sociétés financières généralement accessibles au grand public, leur permettant ainsi de développer les compétences, les connaissances et la confiance nécessaires en matière d’enjeux financiers. 

Le Fonds cherche à regrouper et diffuser les connaissances qui correspondent aux meilleurs pratiques des projets soutenus par le Fonds en plus d’évaluer et de communiquer les résultats des projets subventionnés

Étendue des subventions

Les subventions seront accordées aux organismes à travers le Canada. La priorité sera accordée aux projets relevant des domaines suivants : Innovation , Recherche et développement et Développement de programme stratégique. 

Les subventions accordées varieront généralement de 25 000 $ à 100 000 $. Les projets peuvent s’étendre sur une période maximale de deux ans. 


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