[homeles_ot-l] FW: Canadian Social Research Newsletter - May 8, 2011

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Mon May 9 11:52:30 EDT 2011

Hello all --from time to time I send this newsletter to the listserv so that
new members are aware of it and are welcome to subscribe to it at
http://lists.cupe.ca/mailman/listinfo/csrl-news.  It is pulled together
weekly by Gilles Seguin.  Lynne

Lynne Browne
Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness 
613-241-7913 ext. 205, lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
147 Besserer St., Ottawa, ON K1N 6A7

VISIT www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca
on TWITTER HERE @endhomelessOTT

-----Original Message-----
From: csrl-news-bounces at members.cupe.ca
[mailto:csrl-news-bounces at members.cupe.ca] On Behalf Of Gilles Seguin
Sent: May-08-11 12:25 PM
To: Canadian Social Research Newsletter Mailing List
Subject: [Csrl-news] Canadian Social Research Newsletter - May 8, 2011

Canadian Social Research Newsletter
May 8, 2011

Welcome to the weekly Canadian Social Research Newsletter, a listing of the
new links added to the Canadian Social Research Links website
[http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/] in the past week.

The e-mail version of this week's issue of the newsletter is going out to
2,415 subscribers.

Here's where you can find the online version of this week's newsletter:

Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter to see some notes, a disclaimer and
other stuff that has nothing whatsoever to do with social policy...



Canadian content

1. Federal election 2011 results : The people of Canada have spoken : 
jails and jets it is.
2. The costs of poverty vs guaranteed annual income (GAI) - Globe and Mail
3. "Taxes are the price we pay for the Canada we love" (Canadians for Tax
Fairness) 4. Fiscal Record of Canadian Political Parties (Progressive
Economics Forum Blog) - April 29 5. What's New in The Daily [Statistics
--- Census 2011
--- Labour Force Survey, April 2011 - May 6
--- Consumer Price Index: A preview of the upcoming basket update - May 4 6.
What's new from the Childcare Resource and Research Unit 7. Poverty
Dispatch: U.S. media coverage of social issues and programs

International content

8. Growing Income Inequality in OECD Countries: What Drives It and How Can
Policy Tackle It?
(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) - May 2 9. CRINMAIL
(weekly children's rights newsletter)

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the Moms out there!
Have a great week...


[ gilseg at rogers.com ]

1. Federal Election 2011 Results

May 2, 2011
The people of Canada have spoken.
Jails and jets it is.
And more unfettered contempt for Parliament and the people of Canada.

Best analogy of the week:
"Jack Layton winning 102 seats against a Tory majority is like winning the
jackpot at a bingo on the Titanic."


Election night results from Elections Canada
- includes results for all of Canada, for each province and territory, by
postal code and more...


 From the CBC:

Canada Votes 2011 Election results
- interactive map of results

Harper: Majority win turns page on 'uncertainty'

Layton seizes Opposition; Duceppe, Ignatieff defeated in ridings as parties

Breaking down the election results
A closer look at Canada's new House of Commons



the Globe and Mail:

Canada’s new electoral divide: It’s about the money

By Patrick Brethour
VANCOUVER— From Wednesday's Globe and Mail May 3, 2011 [ 500 comments

The newly drawn electoral map is split, but the cleavage is not left versus
right, nor is it Quebec versus the rest of Canada. The true divide, the new
reality of Canadian politics, is between the economic heartlands that the
Conservatives now dominate throughout the country and the economic
hinterlands won by the NDP.

Centrist compromise spurs Tory triumph

By John Ibbitson
May 3, 2011
It worked. Stephen Harper finally won his majority government. He did it by
surrendering right-wing cant for centrist compromise. He didn’t sound that
way, but he acted it. And the voters understood. There is a new reality in
Ottawa. The fusion of right-wing factions into a party of the moderate
centre-right now dominates national politics. Mr. Harper, who has already
governed for five years, will govern for four more. The lesson for the
parties to his left is obvious: Unite or lose.

Also from the G&M:

* Voters want Harper kept on short leash and aren’t yet sold on Layton: 

* Harper finally wins majority as NDP surges into Opposition

* Harper to move fast to use his new authority

* Ignatieff will not resign, despite losing in own riding

* Duceppe resigns as Bloc leader after losing riding

Globe and Mail


 From the
Toronto Star:

Conservatives soar to majority with NDP forming historic opposition
May 3, 2011
The Conservatives have finally captured their elusive majority government in
tonight’s federal election with the NDP taking its historic place as
official opposition, pushing aside the Liberals to a humiliating third place
finish. It is the first time in Canadian history that the Liberal party did
not finish either first or second.

http://tinyurl.com/6d92a8a ]

Interactive Map of 2011 Federal Election Results

Toronto Star http://www.thestar.com/


A Conservative majority. Now what?
By Murray Dobbin
May 3, 2011
There is no point dwelling on the obvious other than to simply reiterate it.
The election of a Conservative majority government will usher in wrenching
change in Canada and we will have to witness the worse that Stephen Harper
has to offer. (...) What was shocking for people throughout the first three
weeks of the campaign – before the strange, detached euphoria of the NDP
surge was that so many Canadians – hovering near 40% – could support a
government that was not only conservative in policy terms but virtually a
rogue government in terms of its blatant and unapologetic trashing of
democratic institutions and conventions. It did not seem to matter a whit
that Harper harboured thugs in his inner circle, was found in contempt of
Parliament, and lied without hesitation whenever it suited him.

Murray Dobbin's Blog

[ About Murray Dobbin
http://murraydobbin.ca/about/ ]


 From the
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives:

Historic NDP Breakthrough
By Erin Weir
May 3, 2011
A Harper majority is very bad. However, I have trouble imagining it cutting
public programs more than Chretien’s majority [
] did. The Conservatives and Liberals have long been rather similar on
economic issues. The NDP replacing the Liberals as one of the two
predominant parties is hugely positive. Canadian social democrats have been
striving for this realignment since they founded the CCF in 1932.

The Economic Impact of Harper’s Majority (audio file)
May 3, 2011
This 6-minute debate between Michael Hlinka, CBC business correspondent, and
CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan examines the economic impact of a
Harper majority. It took place early today on Metro Morning, the local
morning CBC program in Toronto.It touches on the nature of growth, the
distribution of the benefits of growth, the erosion of the foundation of
growth, and the role of the NDP, as official opposition, to offer some
balance to the process of defining and serving the public interest.

Making It Count (Election blog)

[ Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)
http://www.policyalternatives.ca/ ]

Related video:

Triumph and Defeat (CBC video)
May 3, 2011
Video highlights from the speeches of the five party leaders on election

CBC Videos


Hundreds of links to election coverage - updated daily
Still haven't reached your saturation point?
The Canadian Daily Digest [ http://cdndailydigest.blogspot.com/ ] offers a
varied diet of media coverage of the 2011 federal election.


Kazoo Has Spoken.
My friend Zoom's Double Yellow-Headed Amazon Parrot has expressed his voting
preference, scatologically speaking.
("Kazoo did his own research and reached his own conclusions quite
independently. Which makes me wonder if parrots have better critical
thinking skills than the majority of many Canadians


- Go to the 2011 Federal Election and General Political Links page:

2. The costs of poverty vs guaranteed annual income (GAI) (Globe and Mail)

The costs of poverty vs guaranteed annual income:

How paying people’s way out of poverty can help us all

Anna Mehler Paperny and Tavia Grant
May 5, 2011
(...) Despite Canada’s reputation for a strong social safety net, the
country is becoming economically polarized. And the decades-old dominant
economic dogma that growing wealth among society’s highest earners would
trickle down to those less fortunate is being challenged by an alternative
approach: Eliminate crushing poverty among the lowest earners, and wealth
will trickle up. (...) Homelessness costs taxpayers money – in both foregone
wealth and social service spending. As evidence of the social and financial
costs of inequality mounts, a growing body of research indicates paying to
get people out of poverty can be an economic boon. Calgary’s business
community crunched the numbers: It costs four times more to pay for a year’s
worth of emergency shelter, emergency-room medical care and law-enforcement
for one homeless person than it costs to fund that person’s supportive
housing for a year. More recent figures have backed them up when it comes to
the costs of
poverty: A study earlier this year from Toronto’s St. Michael’s Hospital
found homeless patients cost hospitals an average of $2,559 more than their
housed counterparts. At the same time, research into projects that
guaranteed people a minimum annual income indicated savings in everything
from social services and health care to law enforcement.

Related link:

The high costs of hardship

May 5, 2011
Figures in three infographics paint an unsettling picture of Canada's
unemployment levels, income gaps and costs associated with homelessness
* Percentage of people on low incomes, 2000-2010
* Number of people unemployed for 52 week or longer
* Annual household income after tax by income quintile, average. 
earnings in 1990 and in 2008

Globe and Mail


- Go to the Guaranteed Annual Income Links page:

3. "Taxes are the price we pay for the Canada we love"
(Canadians for Tax Fairness)

Canadians for Tax Fairness:

Ten Big Reasons to Feel Good About Taxes
[My favourite : "taxes are the price we pay for the Canada we love." 

96 more everyday reasons to feel good about taxes

- reasons like : governors-general - access to information - adoption
records - critical infrastructure protection - airbag safety - fisheries
- elections - pensions - money-minting - aviation museums - polar
ice-watching - police college - social assistance - unemployment insurance -
autopsies - ferries - bingo permits...

Canadians for Tax Fairness
Canadians for Tax Fairness promotes a progressive tax system, based on
ability to pay, to fund the public services and programs required to meet
our social, economic and environmental needs.

Related link:

Canada's Quiet Bargain:
The benefits of public spending (PDF - 1.3MB, 40 pages)
April 2009
By Hugh Mackenzie and Richard Shillington This study adds a dimension that
has been missing to the public debate over taxes and public spending in
Canada. It weighs the benefits of public services provided by federal,
provincial, and municipal governments against the benefits of recent tax

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


- Go to the Non-Governmental Organizations Links page:
http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/ngobkmrk.htm `

4. Fiscal Record of Canadian Political Parties - April 29 (Progressive
Economics Forum Blog)

Fiscal Record of Canadian Political Parties

By Toby Sanger
April 29, 2011
With all the recent news stories — as well as alarm raised by other leaders
— about the fiscal and economic impact and record of NDP governments, I
decided to take a look at and review the fiscal record of all federal and
provincial governments in Canada for the past three decades. These results
may be surprising to some: they show that NDP governments have the best
fiscal record of all political parties that have formed federal or
provincial government in Canada.

Progressive Economics Forum Blog

[ Progressive Economics Forum
http://www.progressive-economics.ca/ ]


- Go to the 2011 Federal Election and General Political Links page:

5. What's New in The Daily [Statistics Canada]:
--- Census 2011
--- Labour Force Survey, April 2011 - May 6
--- Consumer Price Index: A preview of the upcoming basket update - May 4

What's new from
The Daily

[Statistics Canada

2011 Census
Filling out your online questionnaire is easy and secure.
- includes links to:
* Message from the Chief Statistician * Census jobs * Questions and answers
* Census in many languages * About the census * For teachers * Genealogy
corner * Census of Agriculture * Latest census data * Completing your census
questionnaire online


May 6, 2011
Labour Force Survey, April 2011
Following two months of little change, employment rose by 58,000 in April,
mainly in part time. The unemployment rate edged down 0.1 percentage points
to 7.6%. Compared with April 2010, employment has grown by 283,000 (+1.7%).
- includes links to three tables:
* Labour force characteristics by age and sex
* Employment by class of worker and industry (based on NAICS)
* Labour force characteristics by province

Related report:

Labour Force Information : April 10 to 16, 2011
May 6, 2011
Analysis — April 2011
Data quality, concepts and methodology
User information
Related products
PDF version (385K, 59 pages)

[ earlier reports in this series

Labour Force Information - main product page*
This publication provides the most current monthly labour market statistics.
Each month, this publication contains a brief commentary highlighting recent
developments in the Canadian labour market. It also includes a series of
charts and tables on a variety of labour force characteristics, such as
employment and unemployment for Canada, the provinces, metropolitan areas
and economic regions.
* On the product main page, click "View" to see the latest issue of this
report online; click "Chronological index" for earlier issues.

Related subjects:


Employment and unemployment


May 4, 2011
Consumer Price Index: A preview of the upcoming basket update
On June 29, 2011, with the release of the May Consumer Price Index (CPI),
Statistics Canada will update the basket of goods and services used in the
calculation of the Index. Statistics Canada updates the basket periodically
to ensure the CPI's reliability, as it is used for three key purposes: as a
measure of inflation; as a statistical series deflator; and as a tool for
indexing various public and private transfer payments.

Related subjects:

* Prices and price indexes

* Consumer price indexes


The Daily Archives
- select a month and year from the drop-down menus and click on a date for
that day's Daily


Summer job?
* 35,000 Census jobs across Canada (April-August 2011)
* 1,200 jobs in the Census Data Operations Centre in Gatineau QC
(April-September 2011) http://www.census2011.gc.ca/ccr04/ccr04_000b-eng.htm

2011 Census of Canada


The Daily

[Statistics Canada


- Go to the Federal Government Department Links (Fisheries and Oceans to
Veterans Affairs) page:

6. What's new from the Childcare Resource and Research Unit

What's new from the
Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU):


May 7, 2011

What's new online:
[This section archives documents that
have been featured on the CRRU homepage..]

Toronto mothers launch Task Force on Child Care
6 May 11
- Task Force being launched this Mother's Day will hold hearings and 
discussions across Toronto to gather information from parents about 
their child care challenges.

Nova Scotia: New day care regulations
4 May 11
- The government of Nova Scotia has developed new child care regulations 
that include changes to food and nutrition, building and space 
requirements and staff training.

State of the world's mothers: Champions for children
4 May 11
- Save the Children's twelfth annual Mothers' Index compares the 
well-being of mothers and children in 164 countries. Canada ranks 20th 
of 43 developed countries.

Joining the dots: A better start for Scotland's children
4 May 11
- Report by Professor Susan Deacon for the Scottish government on how to 
"renew the national effort on children's early years".


child care in the news
[This section features interesting and noteworthy
news about ECEC and related issues in Canada and internationally.]

· Maternal and child services needed in north, says study
[CA] 4 May 11

· Childcare must be protected not cut
[GB] 3 May 11

· Edleun completes acquisition of two child care centres
[CA] 2 May 11

· A real, unnecessary crisis for families
[US] 2 May 11

· New regulations to allow for healthy eating choices at child care 
[CA-NS] 28 Apr 11

· Kindergarten split classes will 'shortchange' students
[CA-ON] 25 Apr 11

· Childcare groups warn against means-testing
[AU] 18 Apr 11



Subscribe to the CRRU email announcements list
Sign up to receive email notices of updates and new postings on the CRRU 
website which will inform you of policy developments in early childhood 
care and education, new research and resources for policy, newly 
released CRRU publications, and upcoming events of interest to the child 
care and broader community.

Links to child care
sites in Canada and elsewhere

CRRU Publications
- briefing notes, factsheets, occasional papers and other publications

ISSUE files
- theme pages, each filled with contextual information and links to 
further info

Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU)
The Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU) is a policy and research 
oriented facility that focuses on early childhood education and child 
care (ECEC) and family policy in Canada and internationally.


- Go to the Non-Governmental Early Learning and Child Care Links page:

7. Poverty Dispatch: U.S. media coverage of social issues and programs
(Institute for Research on Poverty - University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Poverty Dispatch (U.S.)
- the content of this link changes several times a week
- scan of U.S. web-based news items dealing with topics such as poverty, 
welfare reform, child welfare, education, health, hunger, Medicare and 
Medicaid, etc.

Latest issues of Poverty Dispatch:

May 6:
Earned Income Tax Credit - Connecticut
Tornado Damage and Low-Income Homeowners
Incarcerated Parents and Child Support

May 5:
State Budgets and Medicaid
SNAP and Farmers’ Markets - Minnesota
Half-Day Kindergarten - Philadelphia, PA

May 4:
Wisconsin Poverty Report
Legal Aid for the Poor
Housing Affordability

May 3:
States and Medicaid Payments
Child Welfare System - Florida
School Vouchers - Indiana
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Wisconsin

May 2:
Summer Teen Unemployment
Schools and Homeless Children


Past Poverty Dispatches
- links to dispatches back to June 2006

Search Poverty Dispatches


To subscribe to this email list, send an email to:
povdispatch-request at ssc.wisc.edu


Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) http://www.irp.wisc.edu/
[ University of Wisconsin-Madison http://www.wisc.edu/ ]


- Go to the Links to American Government Social Research page:

- Go to the Links to American Non-Governmental Social Research (A-J) page:

- Go to the Links to American Non-Governmental Social Research (M-Z) page:

- Go to the Poverty Measures - International Resources page:

8. Growing Income Inequality in OECD Countries: What Drives It and
How Can Policy Tackle It? - May 2
(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

Growing Income Inequality in OECD Countries:
What Drives It and How Can Policy Tackle It? (PDF - 751K, 14 pages)
May 2011
Table of contents:
The overall picture: inequality on the rise in most OECD countries
--- Trends in income inequality
--- Where is the increasing income inequality coming from: wages, 
employment or capital incomes?
What drives growing earnings and income disparities?
--- How important are globalisation, technological change and regulatory 
reform for inequality?
--- Does it matter for inequality whether rich men marry rich women?
--- Have income taxes and benefit systems become less successful in 
redistributing income?
Which lessons for policies?

Issue paper on Tackling Inequality (PDF - 224K, 4 pages)
May 2011

OECD Forum on Tackling Inequality (PARIS)

[ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
http://www.oecd.org/ ]

[ More on OECD research on Income Distribution and Poverty
http://www.oecd.org/els/social/inequality ]


Related link:

 >From the
Wellesley Institute

‘Scary’ income inequality on rise in Canada and other rich economies: 
New OECD report
May. 6, 2011
Research from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 
(OECD) released earlier this week indicates that income inequality 
continues to grow rapidly in Canada and in most of the world’s other 
rich economies. The research points to an international trend where 
economic growth only translates into growth in household income for the 
wealthiest in society and doesn’t serve to benefit household incomes of 


- Go to the Government Social Research Links in Other Countries page:

- Go to the Inequality Links page:

(Child Rights Information Network - CRIN)

 >From the
Child Rights Information Network (CRIN):

CRINMAIL - children's rights newsletter

3 May 2011, CRINMAIL issue 1223 : World Press Freedom Day
In this issue:
World Press Freedom Day
CRIN launches Arabic website!
New Media Frontiers & Circumvention tools
Latest news on press freedom restrictions:
- Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Azerbaijan, Uganda, Thailand, Cuba, 
United States
Upcoming events on new media
Also includes:
* World news * Reports * Events * Laws * Issues
* Advocacy * Challenging breaches * Take action * Campaigns * Toolkits


Links to Issues of CRINMAIL

- links to earlier weekly issues, many of which are special editions 
focusing on special themes, such as the 45th Session of the Committee on 
the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and 
the launch of the EURONET Website.

NOTE: see http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/chnrights.htm for the 
table of contents for, and links to, several months' worth of issues of 

(incl. subscription info)

[ Child Rights Information Network (CRIN)
http://www.crin.org/index.asp ]


- Go to the Children's Rights Links page:


Disclaimer/Privacy Statement

Both Canadian Social Research Links (the site) and this Canadian Social 
Research Newsletter belong solely to me, Gilles Séguin.

I am solely accountable for the choice of links presented therein and 
for the occasional editorial comment - it's my time, my home computer, 
my experience, my biases, my Rogers Internet account and my web hosting 

I administer the mailing list and distribute the weekly newsletter using 
software on the web server of the Canadian Union of Public Employees 
Thanks, CUPE!

If you wish to subscribe to the e-mail version of newsletter, go to the 
Canadian Social Research Newsletter Online Subscription page:
...or send me an email message.

You can unsubscribe by going to the same page or by sending me an e-mail 
[ gilseg at rogers.com ]


The e-mail version of this newsletter is available only in plain text 
(no graphics, no hyperlinks, no fancy bolding or italics, etc.) to avoid 
security problems with government departments, universities and other 
networks with firewalls. The text-only version is also friendlier for 
people using older or lower-end technology.

Privacy Policy:
The Canadian Social Research Newsletter mailing list is not used for any 
purpose except to distribute each weekly issue.
I promise not share any information on this list, nor to send you any 
junk mail.

Links presented in the Canadian Social Research Newsletter point to 
different views about social policy and social programs.
There are some that I don't agree with, so don't get on my case, eh...

To access earlier online HTML issues of the Canadian Social Research 
Newsletter, go to the Newsletter page:

Feel free to distribute this newsletter as widely as you wish, but 
please remember to mention Canadian Social Research Links when you do.



gilseg at rogers.com mailto:gilseg at rogers.com


Commonly Misused Words

It may be inconceivable for you to misuse a word, but a quick look 
around the web reveals plenty of people doing it. And it’s all too easy 
when we hear or see others use words incorrectly and parrot them without 
knowing it’s wrong. Here are 27 commonly misused words. Some are common 
mistakes that can cost you when trying to keep a reader’s attention. 
Others are more obscure and just interesting to know.

1. Adverse / Averse
Adverse means unfavorable. Averse means reluctant.

Afterwards is wrong in American English. It’s afterward.

3. Complement / Compliment
Complement is something that adds to or supplements something else. 
Compliment is something nice someone says about you.

4. Criteria
Criteria is plural, and the singular form is criterion.

5. Farther / Further
Farther is talking about a physical distance. “How much farther is 
Disney World, Daddy?”
Further is talking about an extension of time or degree. “Take your 
business further by reading Copyblogger.”

6. Fewer / Less

If you can count it, use fewer. If you can’t, use less.
“James has less incentive to do what I say.”
“Tony has fewer subscribers since he stopped blogging.”

7. Historic / Historical

Historic means an important event.
Historical means something that happened in the past.

8. Imply / Infer

To imply means to suggest indirectly (you’re sending a subtle message).
To infer is to come to a conclusion based on information (you’re 
interpreting a message).

9. Insure / Ensure

Insure is correct only when you call up Geico or State Farm for coverage.
Ensure means to guarantee, and that’s most often what you’re trying to 
say, right?

10. Irregardless

Irregardless is not a word. Use regardless or irrespective.

11. Literally

“I’m literally starving to death.” No, odds are, you’re not.
Literally means exactly what you say is accurate, no metaphors or 
Everything else is figurative (relative, a figure of speech).

12. Premier / Premiere

Premier is the first and best in status or importance, or a prime minister.
Premiere is the opening night of Star Wars 8: George Wants More Money.

13. Principal / Principle

Principal when used as a noun means the top dog; as an adjective, it 
means the most important of any set.
Principle is a noun meaning a fundamental truth, a law, a rule that 
always applies, or a code of conduct.

14. Unique

Unique means (literally) one of a kind.
Saying something is very unique is wacked.
It’s either a purple cow or it isn’t.



And, in closing...


Dogs are smart.


Hi-Def City Limits - night video scenes of Montreal,
Quebec City, Toronto, Manhattan, and Chicago
Be sure to expand the video to fill your screen:


Definitely *not* for claustrophobes:


30 highlight paintings from the
National Gallery in London England:


Geek joke

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