[homeles_ot-l] FW: Homelessness in Yellowknife: An Emerging Social Challenge

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Thu May 26 10:04:47 EDT 2011

Good morning everyone,


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Lynne Browne

Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness 

613-241-7913 ext. 205,  <mailto:lbrowne at ysb.on.ca> lbrowne at ysb.on.ca

147 Besserer St., Ottawa, ON K1N 6A7


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From: The Homeless Hub [mailto:thehub at edu.yorku.ca] 
Sent: May-26-11 7:01 AM
To: lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Subject: Homelessness in Yellowknife: An Emerging Social Challenge


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 <http://links.mkt3974.com/ctt?kn=14&ms=MTA4NTkyOAS2&r=OTc0ODE5NTIwS0&b=0&j=Mjc2NTYxMDYS1&mt=1&rt=0> homelesshub.ca


Homelessness in Yellowknife: An Emerging Social Challenge
by Nick Falvo
There is a considerable amount of visible homelessness in Yellowknife (NWT), yet very little third-party analysis of the situation. This report begins by briefly discussing who is homeless in Yellowknife and then outlines program responses, including emergency shelters and various models of housing. An overview will then be provided of major funding initiatives from the federal and territorial governments, as well as various forms of homelessness assistance provided by the City of Yellowknife. The report concludes by making policy recommendations with respect to the need for increased accountability, shelter standards, more housing options for the homeless, and a public health response to alcohol and drug use. 
 <http://links.mkt3974.com/ctt?kn=18&ms=MTA4NTkyOAS2&r=OTc0ODE5NTIwS0&b=0&j=Mjc2NTYxMDYS1&mt=1&rt=0> Read the full report >

>From the Research Matters Blog
 <http://links.mkt3974.com/ctt?kn=17&ms=MTA4NTkyOAS2&r=OTc0ODE5NTIwS0&b=0&j=Mjc2NTYxMDYS1&mt=1&rt=0> Top 10 Things I Learned About Research While Preparing a Report on Homelessness in Yellowknife

 <http://links.mkt3974.com/ctt?kn=3&ms=MTA4NTkyOAS2&r=OTc0ODE5NTIwS0&b=0&j=Mjc2NTYxMDYS1&mt=1&rt=0> “Canada Speaks” Exposing Persistent Myths About the 150,000 Canadians Living on the Streets 
This report reveals that a surprising number of Canadians have had first-hand experience being homeless – nearly 1/4 of Canadians have received assistance from a food bank or charitable group while 7% reported that they have had to sleep on the street or in a shelter due to lack of housing at some point in their lives.  
The Salvation Army

 <http://links.mkt3974.com/ctt?kn=8&ms=MTA4NTkyOAS2&r=OTc0ODE5NTIwS0&b=0&j=Mjc2NTYxMDYS1&mt=1&rt=0> Homelessness in Regina
by Greenberg, H; Schiff, R; Harrison, A; Nelson, M.
This study finds that many fulltime workers cannot afford to rent a one, two or three bedroom apartment. Based on Saskatchewan Assistance rates no individual or family can afford to rent an apartment of any size.
Homeless Individuals and Families Information System

 <http://links.mkt3974.com/ctt?kn=19&ms=MTA4NTkyOAS2&r=OTc0ODE5NTIwS0&b=0&j=Mjc2NTYxMDYS1&mt=1&rt=0> Funding or Dividing Aboriginal Communities? A Winnipeg Case Study
by Leo, Christopher
The federal government’s Aboriginal policy in Winnipeg addresses a wide variety of very real community needs. At the same time, it is marked by disingenuous reporting of funding, a paternalistic attitude toward the aboriginal leadership, and — most seriously of all — implementation methods that could hardly have been better calculated to exacerbate the already sharp divisions within the Aboriginal community.  
Canada's Cities, University of Winnipeg

 <http://links.mkt3974.com/ctt?kn=7&ms=MTA4NTkyOAS2&r=OTc0ODE5NTIwS0&b=0&j=Mjc2NTYxMDYS1&mt=1&rt=0> “Step-by-Step We are Stronger”: Women's Empowerment Through Photovoice 
by Duffy, Lynne
This article discusses the impact of a photovoice process on a small group of lone mothers carrying out a community health assessment in eastern Canada. 
Journal of Community Health Nursing

 <http://links.mkt3974.com/ctt?kn=12&ms=MTA4NTkyOAS2&r=OTc0ODE5NTIwS0&b=0&j=Mjc2NTYxMDYS1&mt=1&rt=0> Housing conditions in 2 Canadian First Nations communities 
by Larcombe, L; Nickerson, P; Singer, M; Robson, R. et al. 
Houses that were studied in these 2 First Nations communities were predominantly small, crowded and in poor repair. 
International Journal of Circumpolar Health

 <http://links.mkt3974.com/ctt?kn=16&ms=MTA4NTkyOAS2&r=OTc0ODE5NTIwS0&b=0&j=Mjc2NTYxMDYS1&mt=1&rt=0> Survival Strategies of Male Homeless Adolescents
by Hein, Laura C.
The purpose of this study is to investigate survival strategies, anxiety, and self-esteem among male homeless adolescents. 
Journal of American Psychiatric Nurses Association

Issue 18 / May 26, 2011


This presentation is the first of a series that will provide an overview of the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s (MHCC) At Home/Chez Soi project. In addition to providing a broad description of the project and its five sites, this presentation will highlight the research design and project milestones to date (e.g., enrolment, implementation). The presentation will also provide an overview of the "Housing First" approach and how it has been applied in the At Home/Chez Soi study.
 <http://links.mkt3974.com/ctt?kn=4&ms=MTA4NTkyOAS2&r=OTc0ODE5NTIwS0&b=0&j=Mjc2NTYxMDYS1&mt=1&rt=0> Register Today

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Have an event scheduled? Send it to  <mailto:thehub at edu.yorku.ca> thehub at edu.yorku.ca 
and we'll post it in our events calendar.


In Our Own Words
Read stories of individuals and families who have experienced homelessness, as well as the service providers dedicated to providing support.
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The Canadian Homelessness Research Network 
York University 
6th Floor York Research Tower 
4700 Keele Street 
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