[homeles_ot-l] Question FW: National Commission: Consultation Update #2 / Commission Nationale: Mise à jour de consultation # 2

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Fri Oct 21 11:00:11 EDT 2011

FYI . . . Lynne Browne
Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness (ATEH) 
613-241-7913, ext 205
lbrowne at ysb.on.ca <mailto:lbrowne at ysb.on.ca>  
147 Besserer St., Ottawa ON  K1N 6A7 
www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca/>  


From: National Commission on Community Health and Social Services on behalf of National Commission on Community Health and Social Services
Sent: Fri 21/10/2011 1:14 AM
To: Lynne Browne
Subject: National Commission: Consultation Update #2 / Commission Nationale: Mise à jour de consultation # 2

a Canadian Council on Social Development Intiative
une initiative du Conseil canadien de développement social
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National Commission on Community Health and Social Services <http://ccsd.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=edec6233881b89b73370f67a4&id=c219e4c5ad&e=e705338819> 
(le francais suit)

A QUESTION FOR YOU: Are you aware of interesting innovations in service planning, organization or delivery; or of service success stories; or of cost savings through cooperative planning or use of resources; which might be a useful model for the Commission to consider?

If so, please let us know. Contact us at commission at ccsd.ca

And please forward this message to friends and colleagues who might also be able to help.

Recent developments in the consultation:

1.	We have been approached by a research centre which is a joint initiative of the University of Montreal and the Government of Quebec, to develop a research partnership with the Commission. This centre focuses on community collaborative planning and "network governance" of services. As part of the agreement, the Commission would facilitate the development of a network of researchers in Canada who have similar research interests. 
2.	It has been suggested that the commission look at the increasing involvement of for-profit organizations in service delivery. (see sidebar for comment from Carla Gregor) 
3.	The project is being encouraged by a community health centre in Ottawa and recommended for funding support to a group of centre directors. (see sidebar for comment from Jack McCarthy) 
4.	We were invited to present the Commission project at a University of Victoria conference (October 14 and 15), as an example of linking the (essentially) non-profit service sector to multi-level governance. 
5.	We now have more than forty volunteers across the country, helping with communications, research support and local coordination. More are welcome and your support is needed. Please join us and help <http://ccsd.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=edec6233881b89b73370f67a4&id=97573a8df4&e=e705338819>  as you can, and also forward this update to friends and colleagues. 

For background information, visit the National Commission on Community Health and Social Services <http://ccsd.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=edec6233881b89b73370f67a4&id=ff4adf4d9a&e=e705338819>  site.



QUESTION POUR VOUS: Connaissez-vous des innovations intéressantes dans la planification, l'organisation, ou la livraison de services? ou des approches qui ont eu des résultats exceptionnels? ou des économies atteintes en planifiant conjointement ou par l'utilisation commune de ressources - exemples qui pourraient servir de modèles?

Et veuillez envoyer ce message aux amis et collègues qui pourraient également nous aider.

Si oui, svp faites-nous en part: commission at ccsd.ca

Récents développements: 

1.	Nous venons de recevoir une offre de partenariat avec un centre de recherches - projet de collaboration entre l'université de Montréal et le gouvernement du Québec. Ce centre se concentre sur une approche collaborative de planification pour les communautés et la « gouvernance en réseau » des services. En tant qu'élément de l'accord, la Commission faciliterait le développement d'un réseau de chercheurs au Canada qui ont des intérêts semblables          
2.	On a suggéré que la Commission jette un coup d'oeil sur la participation croissante d'entreprises commerciales dans la livraison de services. (voir le commentaire par Carla Gregor)    
3.	Le projet reçoit l'appui d'un centre de santé communautaire à Ottawa, et ferait l'objet de recommandation à un groupe dedirecteurs de centres pour un soutien financier. (voir le commentaire par Jack McCarthy)  
4.	Nous avons présenté le projet de la Commission à un symposium de l'université de Victoria (14 et 15 octobre), comme exemple d'action collaborative visant à orienter le secteur (essentiellement) sans but lucratif vers un contexte de gouvernance multi-niveaux. 
5.	Nous avons déjà accueilli  plus de quarante bénévoles à travers le pays, nous aidant avec les communications, l'appui de recherches et la coordination locale. Nous aimerions en accueillir d'autres et votre appui est nécessaire. Veuillez vous joindre à nous et nous aider <http://ccsd.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=edec6233881b89b73370f67a4&id=d9605a388c&e=e705338819>  selon vos capacités, et faites également suivre cette mise à jour à vos amis et collègues 

Pour plus d'information sur le projet: Commission nationale sur les services de santé communautaires et services sociaux <http://ccsd.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=edec6233881b89b73370f67a4&id=22c7716ea4&e=e705338819> .



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What people are saying / Que disent les gens

There is a changing role for the non-profit sector resulting from the following factors:

·  Government's decision to shift emphasis to the marketplace to address social issues  - e.g. prisons and schools in the US, long term care in Canada

·  A new tolerance for for-profits venturing into non-profit territory under a belief that market forces and the profit motive will create the efficiencies that government and its initial successor - the non-profit sector - failed to deliver

·  A change in government's role from service provider to one of setting policy and managing the performance. This contract management function of government has taken on the business worldview with contract terms now driven by value for dollar rather than cost reimbursement, which traditionally has underwritten the non-profit sector

This has resulted in:

·  Nonprofits taking on more private pay work to reduce reliance on government funds and generate additional revenue to fund mission critical work

·  Increasing role for private providers, particularly in the long term care sector

·  Government move to tender work (health and social services) through the competitive process

·  Need for nonprofits to compete head to head with for profits for government business

Carla Gregor President and CEO, The Good Samaritan Society <http://ccsd.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=edec6233881b89b73370f67a4&id=f5bc39fe11&e=e705338819> , Edmonton, Alberta


I welcome a national commission on Canada's community health and social services. As a long serving Executive Director of a community health centre in Ottawa, I have seen first-hand how vital local human services are, in the creation of healthy vibrant communities. We can't take these services for granted. They have to be supported and strengthened. Bringing local residents together to plan and advocate for these services, represents the very best of civil society. It is here that ideas abound and innovations flourish. A grassroots commission that would shine the spot light on this activity would be a breath of fresh air for Canada's social policy landscape.

Jack McCarthy, Executive Director, Somerset West Community Health Centre <http://ccsd.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=edec6233881b89b73370f67a4&id=6326602ec6&e=e705338819> , Ottawa

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