[homeles_ot-l] FW: Marion Wright to receive Award for Outstanding Community Contribution in Support of Recovery on Sept 30

Judy Perley judy.perley at nationalcapitalregionymca-ywca.ca
Tue Sep 13 15:36:50 EDT 2011

Way to go Marion!!


Judy Perley
Senior Director, Children & Community Services / Directrice supérieure,
Services aux enfants et la communaute
National Capital Region YMCA-YWCA
YMCA-YWCA de la région de la capitale nationale
T  613.237.1320 ext./poste 5092   F  613.788.5095





From: homeles_ot-l-bounces at list.web.net
[mailto:homeles_ot-l-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Linda O'Neil
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:48 PM
To: Alliance Listserv (homeles_ot-l at list.web.net)
Subject: [homeles_ot-l] FW: Marion Wright to receive Award for Outstanding
Community Contribution in Support of Recovery on Sept 30


Hello all,


Please join me in congratulating ATEH Chair Marion Wright who will receive
the Award for Outstanding Contribution in Support of Recovery, presented by
the Addictions and Mental Health Network of Champlain, at a breakfast on
Sept. 30. Prior registration is required for those who wish to attend.
Please see the attachments for more information. Bravo Marion!


Linda O'Neil

Chair, Public Affairs Working Group

The Alliance to End Homelessness


Public Education Consultant

Canadian Mental Health Association, Ottawa Branch

301-1355 Bank St., Ottawa ON, K1H 8K7

loneil at cmhaottawa.ca 

Tel: (613) 37-7791 Ext 135



Addictions & Mental Health Network of Champlain – Information Items


Please see message below from Deborah Hook:


Dear Colleagues:


Please find attached a notice about the Second Annual Recovery Breakfast to
be held on September 30th. We’re hoping that you and members of your team
will be able attend. 

This year we have 3 new speakers who will share their story about their
recovery and their lives today. We are also pleased to present Marion Wright
with the Award for Outstanding Community Contribution in Support of


If you would like to put up a  real poster in your agency, please contact
Lawrence Finnie at lfinnie at mri.ca.


Hoping to see everyone for breakfast on September 30th at the SandyHill
Community Centre.





 Deborah Hook


Ottawa Withdrawal Management Centre/

Centre de gestion du Sevrage

62  Bruyere

Ottawa, ON, K1N 5M8


 <mailto:dhook at mri.ca> dhook at mri.ca





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