[homeles_ot-l] Nelson House update and AGM reminder - Fri Aug 3, 4 to 6 pm, 900 Merivale Road

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 31 13:55:32 EDT 2012


Hi folks,

I was at the NH interim board meeting last night and a report on where they are is below. 

First though, a reminder of the AGM which is this Friday, August 3rd from 4 to 6 pm at Carlington Community Health Centre at 900 Merivale Road. The CHC is in an old school on the west side of Merivale two blocks south of Carling. There is parking on the street and behind the Centre. The 176 bus stops right at the door (Merivale/Coldrey going south and Merivale/Crerar going north) and the 85, 101 and 151 are two blocks away on Carling. The 176 leaves from Tunney's Pasture station upstairs on the Holland Avenue side (3:22 and 3:34) so you can connect from Transitway buses there. 

Please confirm your attendance at: nelsonhouseinterimboard at gmail.com so that the board can have an idea of numbers. If you can't be there on Friday, please send your regrets so you can be counted to demonstrate community support for NH. 

The board has been working full tilt to get things going - I'm not sure where they've been fitting sleeping into their schedules. This has included preparing financial statements, making sure that the bills are paid, pulling together the material for the audit, meeting with staff and the Ministry, setting up the AGM, recruiting new board members, starting the risk mitigation plan, taking care of the House and a lot of little things. 

The staff has been given 60-day layoff notices as per the collective agreement. This was necessary in case the Ministry funding is reduced or suspended. They are meeting with staff regularly and I expect most of the staff will be there on Friday. They are working on bringing the pay equity arrangements up to date and ensuring appropriate increases are being given. Since the bylaws don't say current staff can't be members of the Corporation, they have decided to open membership to them. 

The board is setting up the risk mitigation plan so the incoming board will have the framework already in place. It's important to note just how much work they have already accomplished in meeting the Ministry's requirements and I hope they will receive public credit for that movement at the AGM. There is still a lot to do and it will take months to be able to put the full plan in place. It will be designed with clear timelines in it so they will be able to track progress as well as to coordinate the different pieces that all need to come together. 

They are working with the auditor to get everything in place to approve the audited statements to be presented on Friday. I saw the latest draft of the audit but will not be giving you the details because it isn't in its final form. I can tell you that it appeared to me to be in order and that you will see two years of audited statements since the last AGM received the April 2009 - March 2010 statements. The auditor will be there on Friday to answer any questions on the statements. At the same time, although these won't be presented on Friday, they are preparing the April - June 2012 quarterly financial statements to submit to MCSS this week. These also seemed to be in order although, as expected, they will include some extraordinary expenses related to events that took place within that time frame. 

The call for candidates for the new board was very successful - they got more applicants than there are spots. They will be presenting a slate of 12 candidates on Friday and are interviewing those who applied to ensure that the slate is broadly representative and brings a range of skills to the board table. Bios of the nominees will be in the packages on Friday. More than half of the interim board members will be standing for election at the AGM so there will be some continuity going forward. 

They will still be looking for other volunteers to support the board on an ongoing basis and will be asking people to give their names on Friday. The new board will have a lot of work to do and will need help from the community. I know many of you can't commit to be on the board but if you could offer any skills to the board I can assure you it will be appreciated. 

Hope to see you on Friday, 


P.S. My apologies if this is a duplicate message.
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