[homeles_ot-l] MHI FW: National Housing Day and 10th Anniversary Celebration - Journée nationale de l'habitation et 10e anniversaire de l'IMH

Lynne Browne lynnebrowne at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Tue Oct 23 17:45:53 EDT 2012

FYI . . . this MHI event is Nov. 18th. 


The official date for National Housing Day (NHD) is the 22nd of November
each year. In Ottawa and in other communities across Canada concerned people
hold homelessness and housing events like MHI’s as a way to mark the
importance of the right to housing. Indeed that’s why the Alliance selected
Nov. 29th for its own annual forum on homelessness. If you know of other NHD
activities in Ottawa please share them with the listserv.

Thanks, Lynne Browne 


From: Multifaith Housing Initiative [mailto:mhi.office.mgmt at gmail.com] 
Sent: October-23-12 3:37 PM
To: lynnebrowne at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Subject: National Housing Day and 10th Anniversary Celebration - Journée
nationale de l'habitation et 10e anniversaire de l'IMH

MHI's annual National Housing Day Celebration on November 18th is fast
approaching. This year's event will be extra special as we celebrate our
10th anniversary and all that we have accomplished together.   As in the
past it will take place at City Hall, with the interfaith service at 5:00
p.m. and the dinner at 6:30 p.m.

This year's celebration marks our 10th Anniversary and we are putting an
extra effort into making it a memorable event.   Twelve of our patrons will
be participating in the service and it will include an interfaith choir of
about 40 voices under the direction of well-known choir director, Barbara
Clark C.M.  Dinner will be halal roast beef and vegetarian lasagna.  

The prayer service is free to attend and dinner tickets are available for
$25. Please contact the MHI office,  <mailto:mhi.office.mgmt at gmail.com>
mhi.office.mgmt at gmail.com, ASAP to reserve tickets. It will be an event you
don't want to miss.

Journée nationale de l'habitation et 10e anniversaire de l'IMH 

dimanche, le 18 novembre, à l'Hôtel de Ville d'Ottawa

17h - cérémonie interreligieuse de chants et de prières, avec une chorale
unique dirigée par Barbara Clark

18h30 - souper avec animation

La cérémonie interreligieuse, gratuite, est ouverte à tous. Venez en grand
nombre, vous êtes les bienvenus! Les billets pour le souper sont 25$. On
peut réserver des billets auprès du bureau de l'IMH:
<mailto:mhi.office.mgmt at gmail.com> mhi.office.mgmt at gmail.com. C'est une
soirée très spéciale à ne pas manquer! 



Micah Garten

Fundraising and Communications Manager

Multifaith Housing Initiative

 <http://www.facebook.com/MHIOttawa>  <http://es.twitter.com/MHIOttawa> 


Together we will continue to provide a more sustained and consistent effort
in addressing the affordable housing crisis in our community




Executive Director

Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa

Please update your files to show:

171 George Street, Ottawa ON K1N 5W5

613-241-1573, ext. 314

lynnebrowne at endhomelessnessottawa.ca 


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