[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: Save the Date! Housing First Partners' Webinar Series #2 - March 27, 2013

Tim D. Aubry taubry at uottawa.ca
Thu Feb 14 12:12:59 EST 2013


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From: Housing First Partners <bhobson at desc.org<mailto:bhobson at desc.org>>
Date: 14 February, 2013 11:56:03 AM EST
To: <taubry at uottawa.ca<mailto:taubry at uottawa.ca>>
Subject: Save the Date! Housing First Partners' Webinar Series #2 - March 27, 2013
Reply-To: <mjacinto at desc.org<mailto:mjacinto at desc.org>>

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Save the Date!

Housing First Partners' - Webinar Series #2

Home Visits

March 27, 2013


1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET

11:00 am - 12:30 pm PT

Presented by DESC and Pathways to Housing


     [DESC Logo]    [Pathways to Housing]

Thank you for your interest in the Housing First Partners conference and webinar series. In response to requests to provide periodic learning opportunities on the practical application of Housing First, Pathways to Housing and DESC will present a second webinar entitled "Home Visits".  Presenters will cover many aspects of visiting Housing First participants in their homes, including how to establish frequency and length of visits, usefulness, interacting with participants who don't want visits, observing and following up on unit conditions, participant and staff safety issues and many other common challenges that occur during home visits. This webinar is intended for front-line staff working directly with Housing First residents, as well as program managers, policy staff and executive directors.


Sam Tsemberis, Ph.D., CEO, Pathways to Housing

Juliana Walker, Director of Training, Pathways to Housing

Graydon Andrus, Director of Clinical Programs, DESC

Margaret King, Manager of Supportive Housing, DESC

Details and registration information to follow soon!

Please contact Juliana Walker at julianawalker at pathwaystohousing.org<mailto:julianawalker at pathwaystohousing.org> with any questions.

Watch a 4 minute video of highlights from the New Orleans conference, and download 2012 session presentations here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0017JoUxKfxQZPh0jPKKlW0u2k0CZsVAbjyEUjNEFW1vHXvKaOyu-4Nw8UIImWgkyUHnNo3FVYKwN602-cS9gGkjdB0pJZvxIepYnV5MKLjrePYsC1cHjvUpngG6Y-FNgBlvI7qOuXHjMQE4bBf1gdXZQ==>

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DESC (Downtown Emergency Service Center) | 515 Third Avenue | Seattle | WA | 98104

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