[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: Continuing Education Certificate Course in Harm Reduction - Registration Deadline_ 22 April 2013

Tim D. Aubry taubry at uottawa.ca
Sun Feb 24 11:29:57 EST 2013


Begin forwarded message:

From: Canadian Harm Reduction <noharm at canadianharmreduction.com<mailto:noharm at canadianharmreduction.com>>
Date: 24 February, 2013 11:19:46 AM EST
To: tim.aubry <tim.aubry at uottawa.ca<mailto:tim.aubry at uottawa.ca>>
Subject: Continuing Education Certificate Course in Harm Reduction  - Registration Deadline_ 22 April 2013

Please circulate this announcement to friends and colleagues ...
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  [cid:015522113 at 23022013-2880] <http://dce.yorku.ca/SubCgyPgmCrs.aspx?CgyID=3&SubCgyID=8>
PLEASE NOTE:  Course 1 - Introduction to Harm Reduction - is approved for 39 Core Continuing Education Unit Hours by the Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation (CACCF)

This notice was sent to you by the Canadian Harm Reduction Network.

Please visit our Website<http://www.canadianharmreduction.com/> and support us by becoming a member. Check us out on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Canadian-Harm-Reduction-Network/209072202454888> ... and on Twitter<http://twitter.com/#!/noharmcanada>.

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