[homeles_ot-l] Ontario PC's approach to welfare reform

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 23 09:29:18 EST 2013

Hi Folks,

I know you've all been waiting to get your hands on the Ontario Tory approach to reforming social assistance in the province. They have just released a White Paper on welfare reform which has some points I would agree with and many more that I would find troublesome. 
You'll find it at this link: http://www.ontariopc.com/paths-to-prosperity/welfare-to-work/

They are asking for responses and suggestions to be sent to Toby Barrett who is their critic for Social Services. I know Toby and my experience is that, while he may not agree with everything you say, he will listen to you. I've never felt that my time talking to him was wasted which, as you may suspect, is not how I feel about all politicians. You'll find him at toby.barrett at pc.ola.org. He is the MPP who brought forward the private members bill several years ago that would have improved the lot of folks on ODSP. He put it on the back burner when the SAR Commission was announced. 

It's obviously very important that they hear from people on all sides of these discussions so I would suggest that a response to the white paper would be a useful exercise.

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