[homeles_ot-l] Conference update FW: CAEH June Newsletter

Lynne Browne lynnebrowne at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Thu Jun 13 16:46:34 EDT 2013



Executive Director

Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa

613-241-1573, ext. 314

 <mailto:lynnebrowne at endhomelessnessottawa.ca> lynnebrowne at endhomelessnessottawa.ca

171 George Street, Ottawa ON K1N 5W5

 <https://mail.ysb.on.ca/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca> www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca


From: Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness [mailto:trish=caeh.ca at mail73.wdc01.mcdlv.net] On Behalf Of Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness
Sent: June-13-13 3:38 PM
To: lynnebrowne at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Subject: CAEH June Newsletter


News from the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness

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Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson joins all-star line-up at national conference

The CAEH is thrilled to announce Vancouver Mayor  <http://caeh.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3ab6441cec1986db191b15a35&id=b9b760a2d4&e=052211c246> Gregor Robertson will provide a keynote address to the National Conference on Ending Homelessness at lunch on Tuesday, October 29th.

Under Mayor Robertson's leadership Vancouver has recorded a 66% drop in street homelessness since 2008, making huge progress on their commitment to end street homelessness by 2015. Vancouver's ambitious 2012-2021 Housing and Homelessness strategy requires the addition of 290 units of new supportive housing each year until 2021, and 500 new units of social housing.

Mayor Robertson joins ex-UK Homelessness Czar  <http://caeh.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3ab6441cec1986db191b15a35&id=dfdcbeae17&e=052211c246> Louise Casey and Second Cup Founder  <http://caeh.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3ab6441cec1986db191b15a35&id=5e0af5665f&e=052211c246> Frank O'Dea as conference keynote speakers.

For more information and to register visit  <http://caeh.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3ab6441cec1986db191b15a35&id=d97e654c59&e=052211c246> www.caeh.ca/conference 

CAEH releases updated national conference program

The CAEH has posted an updated and jam packed national conference program with an additional research stream of concurrent sessions and presenter information.

Our conference program is built around three themes: Leadership & Planning, Practice, and Research & Policy. The Leadership & Planning stream is designed for community leaders, funders and policy makers leading or building plans to end homelessness. The Practice stream is designed for anyone interested in best and promising practices on the front lines of ending homelessness, and the Research & Policy stream is dedicated to highlighting the latest national and international advances in homelessness research that contribute to effective solutions. The research sessions are presented in partnership with the Canadian Homelessness Research Network

To view or download a copy of the conference program visit  <http://caeh.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3ab6441cec1986db191b15a35&id=d39a9ed782&e=052211c246> www.caeh.ca/conference/program

The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness officially launched

The  <http://caeh.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3ab6441cec1986db191b15a35&id=7f1ece4bf7&e=052211c246> Canadian Observatory on Homelessness has been officially launched. The new national research and policy initiative is based at York University builds on the successful  <http://caeh.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3ab6441cec1986db191b15a35&id=ebbc73b49e&e=052211c246> Canadian Homelessness Research Network and includes a partnership of academic and community organizations. York University received $2.5 million in funding over seven years, which will be matched by another $2.5 million in contributions from partners. The Observatory is modelled on the FEANSTA European Observatory on Homelessness that works on research and policy solutions across Europe. 

The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness will play a critical role in support of ending homelessness in Canada through research in support of local, regional and national planning and programming, public policy analysis and innovation, as well as research, documentation and dissemination of best practices in ending homelessness. 

Saskatoon releases plan to end homelessness

Saskatoon has joined a growing list of Canadian cities with plans to end homelessness. Saskatoon's plan was released Wednesday, June 12 at the United Way of Saskatoon Annual General Meeting. Saskatoon's plan is dedicated to Alvin Cote, a local Aboriginal man who died recently on the streets of the city. You can read Saskatoon's plan  <http://caeh.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3ab6441cec1986db191b15a35&id=14816c7d78&e=052211c246> h <http://caeh.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3ab6441cec1986db191b15a35&id=dc48572bd5&e=052211c246> e <http://caeh.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3ab6441cec1986db191b15a35&id=68da899ea7&e=052211c246> re

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Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness

PO Box 15062, Aspen Woods PO

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