[homeles_ot-l] Call for applications: Spark Advocacy Grants

Hale, Katherine Katherine.Hale at ottawa.ca
Fri Oct 4 13:56:15 EDT 2013

Good Morning Partners,

It is that time of year again!  Time to apply for a Spark Advocacy Grant. The next deadline for applications is midnight on November 1, 2013.  Please forward this email to your contacts.

If you have any questions about our grants or the application process please look to the many helpful resources on our website<http://www.hsfspark.com/> or email me at mturnau at hsf.on.ca.

Together we can ensure that all children and youth grow up healthy with access to physical activity and healthy eating where they live, learn and play.

Kindest regards,
Micheline Turnau

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Application deadline is November 1st, 2013.

Do you want to spark change in your community to help kids be more active and increase their access to healthy food? The Heart and Stroke Foundation can help!

Applications are now being accepted for Spark Advocacy Grants. This competition provides financial support for advocacy initiatives that focus on increasing access to physical activity and/or healthy food for children across the province. Visit www.hsfspark.com<http://www.heartandstroke.on.ca/site/c.pvI3IeNWJwE/b.5109503/k.3FCB/Spark_Together_For_Healthy_Kids.htm> to apply today.

Visit Us __________________________________

Visit our website to view the:

  *   Overview of the grants and how to apply

  *   Spark Grant Q&A and Grant Guidelines
  *   Short videos about some of our Spark Advocacy Grant projects

  *   Webinar:Advocating for Change in your Community


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Micheline Turnau
Health Promotion Specialist, Champlain Region, Ontario | Heart and Stroke Foundation
1101 Prince of Wales Dr., Suite 100, Ottawa ON K2C 3W7
T 613-727-5060 ext. 235 | C 613-266-9335 | E mturnau at hsf.on.ca<mailto:mturnau at hsf.on.ca>

Connect with us [image001.jpg] <https://www.facebook.com/heartandstroke?ref=ts>  [image002.jpg] <http://twitter.com/TheHSF>  [image003.jpg] <http://www.youtube.com/user/heartandstrokefdn>

BACK TO SCHOOL IS A TIME FOR FRESH STARTS – and a great opportunity to make healthy choices that will last throughout the year. Healthy eating helps kids concentrate better, be more alert and more physically active. Visit heartandstroke.ca<http://www.heartandstroke.com/site/c.ikIQLcMWJtE/b.6248871/k.3328/Healthy_Kids__health_information.htm> for nutritious school lunch and snack ideas, recipes and tools.

LA RENTRÉE SCOLAIRE EST LE MOMENT IDÉAL POUR UN NOUVEAU DÉPART – et une excellente occasion de faire des choix santé qui dureront toute l’année. Une saine alimentation aide les enfants à mieux se concentrer, à être plus vigilants et physiquement plus actifs. Visitez le fmcoeur.ca<http://www.fmcoeur.com/site/c.ntJXJ8MMIqE/b.6597461/k.94D2/Jeunes_en_sant233__Saine_alimentation.htm> pour des idées de collations et de diners pour l’école nutritifs, des recettes et des outils.

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