[homeles_ot-l] 10-year Housing Plan: 1) correction of broken links; 2) Sept 19, 9:30 - Community & Protective Services Ctte mtg; 3) Sept 25th Community Forum

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 8 15:18:06 EDT 2013

Hi folks,
1) The links I sent out to the 10-year Housing Plan report are broken - the new ones are below. 
2) This does give me the opportunity to pass on a new piece of info about the CPS Committee. The overall housing file is split between Planning Committee and the Community & Protective Services (CPS) Committee and so pieces of this report fall under the control of each committee. Planning will be looking at their part on the 10th and CPS will do their part on September 19th at 9:30. That agenda isn't posted yet - look for it the Friday before. 
Please note that this is not the same meeting happening twice - each committee will only look at the pieces of the report that fall under their mandate. The split of responsibilities is, roughly, bricks-and-mortar issues go to Planning and services-and-supports go to CPS. The whole report will then go to Council at the end of the month. To comment on the CPS side of the report, you can contact your councillor or Mark Taylor, CPS chair, at Mark.Taylor at ottawa.ca or 613-580-2477.
Again a reminder that this is a 10-year plan and it will set the framework for financial and human resource distribution for that ten years and beyond so it's important to have a close look at it.
3) Save the Date: 
On September 25th, the Ottawa Poverty Reduction Network (OPRN) along with our community partners is holding a Community Forum on the province's Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) at the Centre Richelieu-Vanier starting at 9:00 with registration at 8:30. The province is required by law to update their every five years and the current one expires at the end of the year. As many of you know, the Social Assistance Review (SAR) Commission reported to the government last fall and some of their recommendations are being implemented but there's a long way to go. "Poverty" includes much more than social assistance and we want to ensure that this new Strategy will improve the situation of everyone living in poverty as well as the broader community. 
The purpose of this Forum is to develop specific recommendations from the Ottawa community to be included in the province's new five-year plan and we would like you to participate. More info including how to register will be available in a few days.


Doc 1
Doc 2
Doc 3
Doc 4
“I want Ontario to be a place where everyone has the same opportunities and I want people to have the support they need. That’s what equity means. It means we have to create the conditions that will allow everybody to have that level playing field. Where it’s not level, we need to raise the floor up a bit.” - Premier Kathleen Wynne
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