[homeles_ot-l] "Fair Elections Act" and implications for voters without identification

Mike Bulthuis mike at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Wed Feb 5 15:15:03 EST 2014

FYI: As identified in this morning's Ottawa Citizen editorial
ada/9467629/story.html> , there are concerns that the proposed federal "Fair
Elections Act" will have a limiting effect on the ability of persons who are
homeless (or otherwise without government-issued identification) to vote.
For more, I'm sharing a Press Release from our community partners at the
London Homeless Coalition. 



'Fair Elections Act' Press Release

London Homeless Coalition, February 4, 2014

'Fair Elections Act' Will Disenfranchise Those Experiencing Homelessness


Today the Conservative Government introduced the 'Fair Elections Act' which
provides for a number of electoral reforms.  The London Homeless Coalition
is extremely concerned regarding the elimination of the 'vouching' process
whereby a registered voter could vouch for another who lacks government
issued identification.  Unfortunately, many who experience homelessness are
victims of theft or misplaced personal effects and find themselves without
identification.  Those who deliver street level services put significant
energies into vouching for their homeless clients during elections to ensure
that the electoral process is open to all Canadians. It is the opinion of
the London Homeless Coalition that this new Act will mean that many who have
the right to vote as Canadian citizens will not be afforded the opportunity
to do so, and that this disenfranchisement will fall disproportionately on
those experiencing homelessness. We urge the Conservative Government to
reconsider this provision in the Act.








Mike Bulthuis

Executive Director

Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa

171 George Street, Ottawa ON K1N 5W5

613-241-1573, ext. 314


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