[homeles_ot-l] Ontario 2014 pre-budget consultations - deadline Jan 9th by noon - will be in Kingston week of Jan 20th

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 7 02:27:45 EST 2014

Hi folks,

It's Ontario budget prep time again and you too can be a part of it!!

The Finance and Economic Affairs Standing Committee will be in Kingston sometime in the week of January 20th to hear from the public. You will get a chance to make a presentation and then answer questions from the committee, usually from one party. {Note: this is NOT the Minister of Finance's consultation - he does a separate circuit of the province and usually has a stop in Ottawa} The advantage to this group over the Minister's consultation is that you can address all three parties, not just the government.

If you want to present in person, you need to contact the Committee Clerk by noon this Thursday. If you miss that deadline or if you want to only submit a written brief, you can send something to them by January 23rd. The contact info is below for both oral and written submissions.


“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” Neil Gaiman


The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs will meet to conduct     Pre-Budget Consultations.
The Committee intends to hold public hearings in Peterborough, Kitchener, Oakville and Toronto during the week of January 13, 2014; and in Sarnia, Thunder Bay, North Bay and Kingston during the week of January 20, 2014.
Interested people who wish to be considered to make an oral presentation to the Committee should contact the Clerk of the Committee by 12 noon on Thursday, January 9, 2014.
Those who do not wish to make an oral presentation but who wish to comment on the issue may send a written submission to the Clerk of the Committee at the address below    by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2014.
Kevin Flynn, MPP                                                                                                          Katch Koch
Chair/Président                                                                                                         Clerk/Greffier
                             Room 1405, Whitney Block/Bureau 1405, édifice Whitney
                                              Queen's Park, Toronto, ON  M7A 1A2
Telephone/Téléphone:                                                                                          (416) 325-3526
Facsimile/Télécopieur:                                                                                         (416) 325-3505
TTY/ATS:                                                                                                                (416) 325-3538
E-mail/ Courriel:                                                                                    katch_koch at ontla.ola.org
Collect calls will be accepted/
Nous acceptons les appels à frais virés.
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