[homeles_ot-l] FW: Jan. 28th @Healthy_Minds & #BellLetsTalk

Linda O'Neil loneil at cmhaottawa.ca
Tue Jan 28 11:14:45 EST 2014

FYI – A huge fundraiser for the mental health sector.

From: Healthy Minds Canada [mailto:admin=healthymindscanada.ca at mail20.wdc03.rsgsv.net] On Behalf Of Healthy Minds Canada
Sent: January-25-14 1:11 PM
To: Linda O'Neil
Subject: Jan. 28th @Healthy_Minds & #BellLetsTalk

Bell Let's Talk Day is January 28th, 2014!

View this email in your browser<http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=67bcbadca2c95c18b730b22cd&id=079c01d17b&e=e1c2b69148>



Bell Let's Talk Day<http://healthymindscanada.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=67bcbadca2c95c18b730b22cd&id=e170825aa6&e=e1c2b69148>
January 28th!
Next Tuesday, January 28th, Bell will be contributing 5 cents to mental health initiatives across Canada for every:
·         [https://gallery.mailchimp.com/67bcbadca2c95c18b730b22cd/images/clara.jpg] Text message sent*
·         Long-distance call made*
·         Tweet using #BellLetsTalk<http://healthymindscanada.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67bcbadca2c95c18b730b22cd&id=6c899a1d42&e=e1c2b69148> and @Healthy_Minds**
·         Facebook share of the Bell Let’s Talk image
*by Bell & Bell Alliant customers
**include @Healthy_Minds in your tweets so we can help you raise even more by retweeting you to our followers!

Last year, 96,266,266 calls, texts, tweets and FB shares raised $4,813,313 for mental health initiatives across Canada.

Ready for 2014?

Help Healthy Minds Canada raise awareness and make a difference on January 28th by tweeting, talking, texting, sharing, and spreading the message!

For more information visit healthymindscanada.ca/bell-lets-talk-day/<http://healthymindscanada.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67bcbadca2c95c18b730b22cd&id=c958c04ebf&e=e1c2b69148>








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