[homeles_ot-l] Help End GLBTTQ Youth Homelessness in Ottawa!

PTS executive.director at ptsottawa.org
Mon Oct 20 11:00:58 EDT 2014

End GLBTTQ Youth Homelessness

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** We need your help to make this a reality!

** Vote, share, repeat - daily!

PTS has a mission to end youth homelessness. By creating a social enterprise that employs street-involved GLBTTQ youth, we will develop a food security and catering service where youth prepare and deliver hot meals for low-income members of the GLBTTQ community, with specific priority placed on the needs of queer seniors. We need your help to make this idea a reality!

Putting an end to homelessness in Ottawa is a collective approach and must be tackled from multiple angles. It will only happen if we all put it in effort. Providing employment opportunities for youth who are at-risk of becoming homeless, youth who are discarded by their families because they dared to be themselves, is something PTS can do. But we'll need all of you to do it.

Vote daily and share this with your friends, family and colleagues and ask them to vote daily too. If we can make it into the top 15 for our funding category in this qualifying round we'll automatically move on to the semi-finals!

We can do this!

To find out more about our campaign and to vote, click the button below.
Learn More & Vote! (http://ptsottawa.us8.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=6a42b2e64be5f1ad47b00ca13&id=9a3fa746b6&e=af79969e6c)
We're looking for enthusiastic, adventurous and dedicated individuals to join our Board of Directors! (http://ptsottawa.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6a42b2e64be5f1ad47b00ca13&id=97c2702e85&e=af79969e6c)  If you are wanting to make an impact on how PTS makes an impact in the LGBTTQ community(ies), if you are wanting to gain experience in governance, if you are wanting to establish a strong and dedicated LGBTTQ centre in Ottawa - Join the PTS board. You can find a list of the available portfolios and the application form by clicking the image above.
The Purrfect Cafe (http://ptsottawa.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6a42b2e64be5f1ad47b00ca13&id=30aca32794&e=af79969e6c) starts tomorrow (October 21st)! Come and enjoy the company of adorable kittens from the Village Kitten Rescue (http://ptsottawa.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6a42b2e64be5f1ad47b00ca13&id=ae8adc62ac&e=af79969e6c) and learn about our other groups and services. The Cafe will be open from 3:30-6:30pm on the third Tuesday of every month.


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You can direct your Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC) contribution to PTS and support city-wide services for Ottawa's GLBTTQ community, run by members of Ottawa's GLBTTQ community. Click the image to find out how.
Organization name: Pink Triangle Services
Charitable registration number: 11909 3995 RR0001

Copyright © 2014 Pink Triangle Services, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you support year-round, city-wide services for the Ottawa GLBTTQ community.
Our mailing address is:
331 Cooper Street, suite 200, Ottawa, ON, K2P 0G5
** www.ptsottawa.org (http://ptsottawa.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6a42b2e64be5f1ad47b00ca13&id=f3b1f93a38&e=af79969e6c)
| 613-563-4818
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PTS · 331 Cooper Street, suite 200 · OTTAWA, On K2P 0G5 · Canada

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