[homeles_ot-l] Housing Answer 2014

Ray Sullivan Ray.Sullivan at CCOCHOUSING.ORG
Tue Sep 23 11:34:18 EDT 2014

Good morning everyone,

The Housing Answer campaign is taking off.  There’s a growing list of election candidates who have signed on, and soon the list of public supporters will go live. You want to see your name on that list.  I want to see your name on that list.

Put your name on that list: http://www.housinganswer.ca/

Then tell five friends to put their names on the list. The campaign is powered by people, and without your help we can’t keep growing.

Please sign up!

Raymond Sullivan
Executive Director
Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation
613-234-4065 extension 233

Raymond Sullivan
Executive Director
Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation
613-234-4065 extension 233

From: homeles_ot-l [mailto:homeles_ot-l-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Ray Sullivan
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 6:25 PM
To: homeles_ot-l at list.web.net
Subject: [homeles_ot-l] Housing Answer 2014

Hello colleagues and friends,

In 2010 we succeeded in getting the City to add $14million/year to the budget for housing and poverty reduction.  We’re at it again!

We think there is an opportunity to increase that budget by another $8million/year.

But we need your help!

Be a part of the Housing Answer campaign, in five easy steps.

Step 1. Go to www.housinganswer.ca<http://www.housinganswer.ca> and pledge support.

Step 2. Go to https://www.facebook.com/HousingAnswer and “like”.

Step 3. Go to https://twitter.com/housinganswer and “follow”.

Step 4. Share, Tweet, e-mail and tell everyone what you think about affordable housing. Everyone. Really. Start by sharing this e-mail.

Step 5. Vote Housing.

If you aren’t part of the answer, you may be part of the problem!  ;)

Raymond Sullivan
Executive Director
Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation
613-234-4065 extension 233

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