[homeles_ot-l] FW: Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant

Mike Bulthuis mike at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Fri Jan 2 12:01:21 EST 2015

Note below that the Ontario government is currently accepting applications
for age-friendly community planning grants. The World Health Organization
recognizes Housing as one dimension of an age-friendly community... 


Applications are due January 30, with further details below. 




From: elizabeth.kenney at servicecanada.gc.ca
[mailto:elizabeth.kenney at servicecanada.gc.ca] 
Sent: December-30-14 3:16 PM
To: elizabeth.kenney at servicecanada.gc.ca
Subject: Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant




The following is a grant program offered by the Province of Ontario –
deadline to apply is Jan 30, 2015; 5:00pm EST:



Age-friendly communities promote healthy and active aging. People in
age-friendly communities are supported in maintaining their independence and
have access to the community supports and services they require. 


The new Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant will offer a total of up to
$1.5 million over two years for short and longer-term projects.


Funding will support local governments and community organizations to
undertake strategic planning with a focus on seniors as outlined in the
Age-Friendly Community Planning Guide and lead to the development of local
aging plans that will eventually be implemented, evaluated and improved


For more information, please consult the website:




Please feel free to share with other communities who might be interested -



Elizabeth Kenney


Senior Development Officer

Service Canada / Government of Canada

elizabeth.kenney at servicecanada.gc.ca/ Tel: 613-856-9029


Agente principale de développement

Service Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

elizabeth.kenney at servicecanada.gc.ca/ Tél. : 613-856-9029




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