[homeles_ot-l] Pathways Into & Out of Homelessness - February 4, 2015

bev jensen bev.jensen at sympatico.ca
Tue Jan 20 10:27:52 EST 2015



St. Matthew's Anglican Church (in the Glebe) will host a panel of local
organizations directly involved in addressing homelessness in our community.

The discussion will explore work currently underway, plans for the future,
and ways in which faith communities can become actively involved in this
critical social justice issue.


This event is free - everyone is welcome. 


Panellists include:

1.      Sue Garvey, Executive Director of Cornerstone Housing for Women, a
diocesan community ministry providing emergency shelter and supportive
housing for a diversity of women.

2.      Suzanne Le, Executive Director of Multifaith Housing Initiative, a
grassroots coalition of different faith communities working together to
provide safe, well maintained, affordable housing and supports for
individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

3.      Shelley Vanbuskirk, Program Manager for the Homelessness Programs
Unit, Housing Services Branch at the City of Ottawa.

4.      The Ven. Dr. Peter John Hobbs, Director of Mission for the Anglican
Diocese of Ottawa.



WHEN:                 Wednesday, February 4, 2015 7:00-9:00 p.m.

WHERE:               St. Matthew's Church (in the Chapel), 217 First Avenue,

REGISTER:           stmatthewanglicanchurch at bellnet.ca or by phone

MORE INFO:       www.stmatthewsottawa.ca 


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