[homeles_ot-l] Save-the-date: June 3 @ 6:30pm - Harm Reduction in Federal Prison

Sarah Brown SBrown at centretownchc.org
Mon May 25 13:49:22 EDT 2015

 ** apologies for cross-posts - please forward and share widely **

Harm Reduction in Prison: The Need for Prison Needle and Syringe Programs

Did you know that prisoners are legally entitled to health care that is equivalent to what is available on the outside? Community-based needle and syringe programs have been proven highly effective at reducing instances of HIV and hepatitis C. In some countries, needle and syringe programs also operate in prisons as an effective public health measure. Why are they not available in Canada's federal prisons?

Join diverse experts to learn more about the need for harm reduction in Canadian federal prisons at this free panel discussion.

When? Wed June 3, 2015

What time? 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Where? Centretown Community Health Centre, Ottawa
420 Cooper Street (Bank and Somerset)
This is a wheelchair accessible location, with a gender neutral washroom.

Stéphanie Claivaz-Loranger, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Seth Clarke, Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network Sharp Dopler, Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy Emily van der Meulen, Department of Criminology, Ryerson University

Sponsored by:
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Centretown Community Health Centre
Department of Criminology, Ryerson University DUAL (Drug User Advocacy League of Ottawa) Native Youth Sexual Health Network Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy PASAN (Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network) Unit for Critical Research in Health, University of Ottawa University Research Chair in Forensic Nursing, University of Ottawa

For more information: www.prisonhealthnow.ca

A number of bus tickets will be available for those who need them (and don't forget, seniors ride free on Wednesdays!)
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