[homeles_ot-l] Who's doing what at City Council and Queen's Park - Jan 2016 version

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 17 22:43:09 EST 2016

Hi folks, 
Politicians at both the municipal and provincial level do a lot of their work via committees. This is where most of the discussion actually takes place for the subjects that eventually end up at council or the legislature  City councillors also sit on various boards and agencies while MPPs may also be cabinet ministers or critics assigned to a ministry or theme. 

I've attached some lists of which committees, etc local city and provincial elected officials sit on and what other responsibilities they have. If you have an issue that you want to bring to a politician, you can check who is working on that topic. If you are going to present to a committee or other grouping, you can see who the members are. Although speaking to the person who represents the area where you live or work is often a good way to go, it can also be useful to talk to someone who sits on the committee that's responsible for that issue. For example, if you live in Glen Cairn and have an issue about a sports event for seniors, you could talk to Allan Hubley as your local councillor; Jody Mitic as Council's sports commissioner and/or Mark Taylor who, as part of his role as deputy mayor, has the seniors' file.
There are two lists for city council - the ABC list gives the agencies, boards and committees of Council with their members while the committee assignment list has each councillor with contact points and the committees, etc that she or he is a member of. Many councillors have their own web sites where they post what they're up to and they may also send out an electronic newsletter and/or be active on Twitter, Facebook and other social media. You can email them a request to find out how to keep track of them.
There are four provincial lists which are really two lists broken down on two levels - the first set is cabinet ministers, their parliamentary assistants and the critics from the opposition parties while the second is the legislative committees. I then pulled out of each list the local MPPs so they are easier to find. Clicking on any MPP's name should take you a page on the Queen's Park site that gives their contact points at both their Queen's Park and constituency offices and access to a riding map.
I'm going to pull together something similar for our MPs soon - there was a little event that changed the lists just a wee bit recently. The councillor and MPP lists were pulled together in September so my apologies if there have been changes made that aren't captured here. I didn't send it out then because I got somewhat involved in the event that changed the MP lists.
Hope this is helpful and you'll get out there and pester some politicians - I know they want to hear from you! I'd hate for any of them to be lonely. 
Linda. “I hope that inthis year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, thenyou are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushingyourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you'venever done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.  So that's my wish for you, and all of us, andmy wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Makemistakes nobody's ever made before. - Neil Gaiman
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