[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: Post By Rossana Coriandoli: Trauma-informed substance use screening and assess...

Bill Dare bill.dare at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 17:38:55 EDT 2016

New Blog Post
Title: Trauma-informed substance use screening and assessment tools for
First Nations and Inuit peoples project
By: Rossana Coriandoli
Group: Treatment Space <http://www.eenetconnect.ca/g/treatment>
[image: Rossana Coriandoli]
On June 30, 2016, EENet hosted a webinar to explore the Trauma-informed
Substance Use Screening and Assessment Tools for First Nations and Inuit
Peoples project. This is part of a Drug Treatment Funding Program (DTFP)
webinar series to connect stakeholders across our province, and other
provinces and territories, as we work to improve our substance use
treatment system. Watch the recorded webinar or take a look at the
presentation slides . The webinar covered: An introduction to the DTFP...

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