[homeles_ot-l] FW: OUT NOW: European Journal of Homelessness, Vol. 10, No.2

Tim Aubry Tim.Aubry at uottawa.ca
Thu Jan 5 16:07:48 EST 2017

FYI.   The journal is open access.

From: European Observatory on Homelessness [mailto:emma.nolan=feantsa.org at mail174.suw18.rsgsv.net] On Behalf Of European Observatory on Homelessness
Sent: January-05-17 11:12 AM
To: Tim Aubry
Subject: OUT NOW: European Journal of Homelessness, Vol. 10, No.2

 Vol 10, No. 2 of European Journal of Homelessness now available

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European Journal of Homelessness: Volume 10, Number 2 now available


The European Observatory on Homelessness is pleased to announce that the European Journal of Homelessness: Volume 10, Number 2, is now available online<http://feantsa.us11.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=145219ee9a8b8472ebef87252&id=0c3fdee3c5&e=1b817cd08e> and in print. Print copies cost €20. To order a printed copy contact information at feantsa.org<mailto:information at feantsa.org>.

Kind regards,

The European Observatory on Homelessness<http://feantsa.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=145219ee9a8b8472ebef87252&id=eeeb4e32f5&e=1b817cd08e>



This publication has received financial support from the
European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSi" (2014-2020)


The information contained in this publication does not automatically reflect the official position of the European Commission
Copyright © 2016 European Observatory on Homelessness, All rights reserved.

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