[homeles_ot-l] Ottawa's Special Liaison on Housing and Homelessness - Report Ask

Stephenson, Dylan dylan.stephenson at ottawa.ca
Thu Mar 16 15:46:29 EDT 2017

Sent on behalf of Deputy Mayor and Special Liaison on Housing and Homelessness, Mark Taylor

Hello Housing and Homelessness key stakeholders,

Although I’ve communicated and connected with many of you, I would appreciate further comments and insight. Therefore I wanted to reach out to key stakeholders in the Housing and Homelessness sector to ask them a couple of additional questions.

As many of you know, I was appointed the Special Liaison on Housing and Homelessness by Mayor Jim Watson in August 2016. My mandate is to both break down silos and to see what can be done to accelerate the City’s approach to improving housing in Ottawa. See more details about my Special Liaison mandate here<redir.aspx?REF=OEybhLSUrJRaYT5T2R9eivFxIP6B8wYyipv55KC6tTPhbRWYbWzUCAFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmJheXdhcmRsaXZlLmNhL2NvdW5jaWxsb3JfbWFya190YXlsb3JfdG9fc2VydmVfYXNfbWF5b3Jfc19zcGVjaWFsX2xpYWlzb25fb25faG91c2luZ19hbmRfaG9tZWxlc3NuZXNz>. The information you provide will help shape a forthcoming action plan and report and I encourage you to take the time to write in.

The Ask

1.    I would appreciate your key suggestions for what in your view would help to address the issue of homelessness and affordable housing in the city? Furthermore, what specific to your particular organization would make your provision of services more effective and/or go further?

2.       I understand increased financial support is always a factor, please indicate what would make a demonstrative difference?

3.       Finally, please identify any municipal, provincial, and federal legislation or regulations that complicate and/or hinder your ability to do your work and support people.

Please note – responses do not need to be limited to the questions above. If you have additional information you feel is important to share, please do.


I would appreciate your responses by end of day April 7th, 2017.

Please send responses, questions, and concerns to Dylan Stephenson at Dylan.Stephenson at Ottawa.ca<redir.aspx?REF=U-DQKixxvJ-UE_HYYHjs4jWRGjsuVo1zQ-M42f4EhSXhbRWYbWzUCAFtYWlsdG86RHlsYW4uU3RlcGhlbnNvbkBPdHRhd2EuY2E.> or feel free to call him (613) 580-2424 x 26844.

Dylan will also be happy to discuss or clarify the ask and to chat about any other issues you feel are relevant.


Mark Taylor
Special Liaison on Housing and Homelessness

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