[homeles_ot-l] FW: Options Bytown e-Invite AGM 2017

Sarah Overvelde sovervelde at optionsbytown.com
Tue May 16 12:45:54 EDT 2017

From: Options Bytown [mailto:enews at optionsbytown.com]
Sent: May-16-17 12:44 PM
To: Sarah Overvelde
Subject: Options Bytown e-Invite AGM 2017

This e-mail contains graphics, if you don't see them » view it online.<http://www.optionsbytown.com/index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=archive&task=view&mailid=66&key=VKiwC20o&subid=473-EeCjUU3YOEhvUN&tmpl=component&acm=473_66>


 Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Hello friends,

Welcome to the latest Options Bytown e-newsletter.

[AGM 2017]


Info at optionsbytown.com<mailto:info at optionsbytown.com>



If you're not interested any more » unsubscribe<http://www.optionsbytown.com/index.php?subid=473&option=com_acymailing&ctrl=user&task=out&mailid=66&key=EeCjUU3YOEhvUN>

[Text Box: You are invited to attend the  Annual General Meeting of:  Options Bytown Non-profit Housing Corporation  THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2017  4:00 - 6:00 pm.  404 McArthur Road, Ottawa   R.S.V.P. no later than May 31st to info at optionsbytown.com    Vous êtes invités à assister à l'Assemblée générale annuelle de  L'organisme sans but lucratif Options Bytown  Le JUEDI 15 Juin 2017   16h à 18h   404, rue McArthur à Ottawa  R.S.V.P. au plus tard le 31 Mai au info at optionsbytown.com]

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