[homeles_ot-l] Fw: OHFRN-CoI's webinar on: The human rights approach to housing

Tim Aubry Tim.Aubry at uottawa.ca
Thu Aug 2 10:40:38 EDT 2018


From: Angela Yip <Angela.Yip at camh.ca>
Sent: July 31, 2018 11:40 AM
Subject: OHFRN-CoI's webinar on: The human rights approach to housing

Join the Ontario Housing First Regional Network Community of Interest (OHFRN-CoI) webinar to explore how a Housing First approach fits with a human rights approach to housing.

For more information and to register, click here<http://www.eenet.ca/article/human-rights-approach-housing>. Please also share widely with your networks!

Date and time: Thursday September 13, 1:00 − 2:30 PM (EDT)

Learn about:

·         A rights-based approach for the National Housing Strategy;

·         How Housing First fits with the approach;

·         How to get the rights-based approach into legislation.

Additional webinars from our partners:

The CAEH Training and Technical Assistance Program will also be holding two Housing First Community of Practice Webinars in August:

·         Housing First Community of Practice Webinar: CAEH Training and Technical Assistance Program, Ontario: Wednesday August 8th 2018  at 2:00 PM EDT https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6270486618059372290

·         Housing First Community of Practice Webinar: CAEH Training and Technical Assistance Program, Canada-Wide: Thursday, August 9th 2018 at 2:00 PM EDT https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6717962561796918786


Angela on behalf of the OHRFN-CoI

Angela Yip

Evidence Exchange Network (EENet),

Provincial System Support Program (PSSP),

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

33 Russell St., 307

Toronto, ON M5S 2S1

Tel: 416.535.8501 ext. 36046

Fax: 416.593.4694

Email: angela.yip at camh.ca<mailto:angela.yip at camh.ca>

About the Ontario Housing First Regional Network Community of Interest (OHFRN-CoI)

This community of interest aims to assist communities across Ontario to develop, evaluate, and improve Housing First (HF) programs based on the Pathways model tested, adapted, and shown to be effective in the At Home / Chez Soi Demonstration Project. For more information, visit http://eenet.ca/housing-first-community-of-interest.

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