[homeles_ot-l] Youth Homelessness Memorial Spirit Flags launch event

Jacqueline Kennelly JacquelineKennelly at cunet.carleton.ca
Wed Mar 7 16:07:04 EST 2018

A project that came out of the recent Coming Up Together conference on
ending youth homelessness was the Youth Homelessness Memorial Spirit Flags.
Conference attendees contributed to these flags, to memorialize young
people who had lost their lives due to their street involvement or
homelessness. 98 flags were created over the course of the conference. A
4th year class at Carleton, Community-Engaged Sociology, is creating a
Launch event for the Spirit Flags. Please consider attending. Details can
be found at the Eventbrite page below:




Dr. Jacqueline Kennelly
Associate Professor, Dept of Sociology & Anthropology
Carleton University
Loeb B743, 1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON    K1S 5B6
(+1) 613-520-2600 x8103
jacqueline_kennelly at carleton.ca
Twitter: @kennelly_jackie
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