[homeles_ot-l] Program Manager, Housing Assessor and Board Member Postings

Judy judy.girard at sympatico.ca
Sun Aug 11 19:44:20 EDT 2019

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 31, 2019, at 4:22 PM, Sarah Davis <Sarah.Davis at efryottawa.com> wrote:
> Please feel free to share with your networks.
> Regards,
> Sarah Davis
> Executive Director/Directrice Exécutive
> Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa/Société Elizabeth Fry d'Ottawa
> 211 (rue) Bronson Avenue, Suite/Salle 311
> Ottawa, ON  K1R 6H5
> Tel/Tél: (613) 237-7427 ext 112
> Fax/Télec: (613) 237-8312
> Toll Free/Sans-Frais:  1-800-611-4755
> sarah.davis at efryottawa.com
> www.efryottawa.com
> <Housing Assessment and Support Worker Job post 2019.pdf>
> <Job Posting Program Manager July 2019.pdf>
> <Board recruitment poster July 2019_SH.DOCX>
> homeles_ot-l at list.web.net
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> THEN email your homelessness and housing messages to that address to reach the full list or to reply to a posting.
> This list is not moderated; there is no editorial review.
> Please try to keep messages to 200KB or less, including attachments, so that all subscribers are able to receive them.
> The listserv does not permit Blind copy, BCC addresses or the use of too many Send To addresses. The best thing is to email to this list on its own.
> The Alliance to End Homelessness does not verify the accuracy of submitted messages nor necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by message authors. Message authors are solely responsible for content of their messages.
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