[homeles_ot-l] Information about the 4th International Conference on Housing First (Oct 5-7, 2021)

Tim Aubry Tim.Aubry at uottawa.ca
Tue Sep 21 08:10:35 EDT 2021

Hello Everyone,

Organized by the Ontario Housing First Regional Network Community of Interest, the Fourth International Housing First Conference: Knowledge Mobilization of Evidence-Based Housing First Practices is taking place in two weeks, on October 5th - 7th, 2021 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm EDT / 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm CET each day.

We are excited to share the program, with over 50 presentations and three keynote sessions.

View the program here<https://bc2dd88a-36c1-4428-a8c2-a60fe7fd54b4.filesusr.com/ugd/58b59e_5a30a22928934f39a6a2e5b754c58576.pdf> and visit the conference website<https://www.fourthinternationalhfconference.ca/> for more information including how to register.

Please also share with your networks and tweet with us using #HousingFirst2021.

Warm regards,

Angela Yip, on behalf of The Fourth International Housing First Conference planning committee

Angela Yip

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

33 Ursula Franklin Street

Toronto, ON M5S 2S1

Tel: 416.535.8501 ext. 36046

Email: angela.yip at camh.ca<mailto:angela.yip at camh.ca>

The Ontario Housing First Regional Network Community of Interest (OHRFN-CoI)

The OHFRN-COI, supported by Evidence Exchange Network (EENet) at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, assists communities across Ontario to develop, evaluate, and improve Housing First (HF) programs based on the Pathways model tested, adapted, and shown to be effective in the At Home / Chez Soi Demonstration Project. For more information, visit www.eenet.ca/housing-first<http://www.eenet.ca/housing-first>. EENet is a knowledge exchange network that aims to make Ontario’s mental health and addictions system more evidence-informed. The EENet community includes researchers, clinicians, decision-makers, service providers, system planners, policymakers, persons with lived experience, and families. The network promotes the use of evidence in decision-making, develops targeted knowledge translation products and tools, and supports interactive exchanges. Join the network at www.eenet.ca<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.eenet.ca&d=AwMFAg&c=j_5kgZyJ-2yfs_3MbkrLKw&r=nKoU9Dqp2FR579wBWZsEDMKQTzgbINB_9CfqsVgruRI&m=76D_lvZgjeUhqTPuVF-I3Gg8L53OKUOEYpLIi2txAcg&s=_2KsMBul5MZKsSD8yJnyWOvIUa9G3VYt3TM1JrwUTdM&e=> and our collaborative space at www.eenetconnect.ca<http://www.eenetconnect.ca/>

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