[homeles_ot-l] International webinar series on Housing First: HF and the criminal justice system

Tim Aubry Tim.Aubry at uottawa.ca
Fri Nov 18 14:56:45 EST 2022

International webinar series on Housing First: HF and the criminal justice system
The Canadian Housing First Network (CHFN-CoI<https://kmb.camh.ca/eenet/communities/housing-first-community-interest>) and the Housing First Europe Hub<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/housingfirsteurope.eu/__;!!FxkXuJIC!cSWpFhCPGA5HF_Gsna6UE-GCVR4oFjBqXUAID4nZ3cwQUJ082D_LJyelhns_38rNK7f6NL7IbxawDNllQdJ54pSdZFKaNQ$> (the Hub) is excited to announce our first webinar in the 2022/2023 International webinar series on Housing First! This session will focus on Housing First and the criminal justice system<https://kmb.camh.ca/eenet/events/international-webinar-series-on-housing-first-hf-and-the-criminal-justice-system>.

Housing First participants often have co-occurring involvement with the criminal justice system, but the nature of the intersection between housing and criminal justice is not well understood. In this webinar, presenters from Canada and Europe present new data and ideas about how be best to meet the needs of Housing First participants who have had involvement with the criminal justice system. Panelists include:

  *   Lindsay Mesa, Assistant Director, Pathways Vermont, USA
  *   Amanda Bloxsome, Housing First Best Practice and Partnerships Lead, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, UK
  *   Mikko Aaltonen, PhD, Professor of Criminology, Law School, University of Eastern Finland
  *   Marichelle Leclair, PhD Candidate and CIHR Vanier Scholar, Université de Montréal, Canada
  *   Discussant: Deborah Quilgars, Senior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow (Associate Professor), School for Business and Society, University of York, UK
Date and time: Tuesday, Dec 13th, 2022, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Eastern standard time
Register here: http://bitly.ws/wFDh<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/bitly.ws/wFDh__;!!FxkXuJIC!cSWpFhCPGA5HF_Gsna6UE-GCVR4oFjBqXUAID4nZ3cwQUJ082D_LJyelhns_38rNK7f6NL7IbxawDNllQdJ54pQqGcaUaA$>

For past sessions in this series, visit: https://kmb.camh.ca/eenet/resources/international-webinar-series-on-housing-first.

Tim Aubry, Ph.D., C.Psych., C.E.
Professeur, École de psychologie /
Professor, School of Psychology
Chercheur, Centre de recherche sur les services éducatifs et communautaires /
Senior Researcher, Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services
Coordinateur, Microprogramme en évaluation des programmes et politiques sociales et santé /
Coordinator, Microprogram on Evaluation of Social and Health Programs and Policies
Bio : https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/members/1026

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