[homeles_ot-l] Don't Miss Out on our Annual Women in Mind Conference!

Robyn Sauret Robyn.Sauret at theroyal.ca
Wed Aug 23 13:45:12 EDT 2023


Ashely Jordan from Cornerstone emailed me that you are able to promote our conference.

Please see below fort the information.

I really appreciate it ☺



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We are thrilled to invite you to the 2023 edition of Women in Mind!

This year’s topic is: Trauma-informed care

Join us<https://cvent.me/3Axb8Z> on November 3 to be a part of this impactful conversation.
We will explore the following questions:

  *   How do you recognize and respond to individuals experiencing trauma?
  *   What is trauma-informed care? How can it be applied in practice?
  *   How can we best support individuals from a gender- and trauma-informed lens?

Cost: Regular Rate - $125; Student Rate - $75; The Royal Staff Rate - $75
When: November 3, 2023 (8:15am-4:00pm)
Where: Zoom (virtual)

* REGISTER<https://cvent.me/3Axb8Z> <https://cvent.me/3Axb8Z> BEFORE SEPTEMBER 15 TO RECIEVE A $20 DISCOUNT OFF YOUR TICKET COST

Register now!<https://cvent.me/3Axb8Z>

Event Overview:
There is a growing discourse on trauma and its impact on a person’s sense of self, safety, health, and overall emotional and social well-being. Alongside this, there has been a growing recognition of the need to provide trauma-informed health and social services. But what does trauma-informed care mean, why is it of importance, and how can it be incorporated in practice?

Trauma-informed care will be the focus of Women in Mind 2023 as it seeks to shed light on these questions. This year’s conference is bringing together leading experts and practitioners to share essential knowledge about understanding trauma and its implications for practice and in the provision of health and social services. Speakers will provide a nuanced understanding of trauma-informed care, bring awareness to power dynamics, intersectional identities, and the provision of care through a gender- and trauma-informed lens.

Learn more about Women in Mind 2023!<https://cvent.me/3Axb8Z>

Contact Information
For more information, please contact conferences<mailto:communications at theroyal.ca>@theroyal.ca<http://conferences@theroyal.ca>.<http://conferences@theroyal.ca>






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