[Sust-mar] NSPI's Conservation and energy efficiency program 2006

Larry Hughes lhughes2 at dal.ca
Wed Dec 14 19:52:27 EST 2005

In November, NSPI released its $5 million DSM (demand side management)
programme to the UARB's NSPI rate hearings. The proposed DSM programme is
based upon recommendations from a consultative committee selected by NSPI,
and the responses to a survey from the participants in NSPI's second
Customer Forum, held in October. NSPI optimistically claims that the DSM
programme will reduce electrical demand by 72 gigawatt-hours (GWh) through
a variety of activities, most of which appear to be intended to promote
the NSPI brand. 

This report examines NSPI's proposed DSM programme, highlighting its
inadequacies and shortcomings, and recommending, amongst other things, a
provincial lighting programme that will reduce electrical demand by
between 82 and 133 GWh and NSPI's greenhouse gas emissions by about one
percent (more that what will be achieved by the Pubnico Point windfarm). 

The report is part of the Energy Research Group's submissions to the UARB
rate hearings.

Copies of the report can be obtained from:


Larry Hughes, PhD
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2X4

v: 902.494.3950
f: 902.422.7535
e: larry.hughes at dal.ca
u: http://lh.ece.dal.ca

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