[Sust-mar] Upcoming social justice, environment and peace events PLUS Volunteer Help Wanted

Tamara Lorincz tlorincz at dal.ca
Tue Nov 1 17:49:33 EST 2005

A listing of 9 community events related to art, social justice, peace, and
environment. Please circulate far and wide. Sorry for cross-postings. Thank


1. *Volunteers needed to help organize a "Walk Against Global Warming" that
will take place in Halifax on Saturday, Dec. 3 as part of an international
day of action to raise awareness about climate change and get our government
leaders to act on their Kyoto Protocol commitments (in conjunction with the
Climate Change Conference hosted by Canada in Montreal). If you can help
with this local effort, please come to one of our weekly meetings on
Wednesdays at 4pm at the Paperchase Café on Blowers St. or email Stepanie of
the TRAX-Ecology Action Centre: trax at ecologyaction.ca T: 902-429-0924

2. *Volunteers needed to help with a benefit/fundraiser for the Halifax
Refugee Clinic. We would like to have the fundraiser in January. If you can
help, please contact Eva, Coordinator of the Halifax Refugee Clinic:
hrc at hfx.eastlink.ca Tel: (902) 422-6736



Drumfest 2005
“A Celebration of the Drum”
8:00 pm November 4 and 5, 2005
Saint Matthews United Church
1479 Barrington Street (at Spring Garden Rd)
Adults: $20   Students: $15   Under 12: Free
Advance tickets sales: Call Halifax Dance at 422.2006 
drumming at hfx.eastlink.ca              
drumfesthalifax at yahoo.ca

"At a Critical Moment in History: Canada-US Relations and Citizen Political

Mel Hurtig
Author and Activist
Tuesday, November 8
7:30-9:00 pm
Rm. 104, Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Ave., Dalhousie University.
Free public lecture

Mel Hurtig will read from his recent writings on a variety of Canadian
concerns and in particular, Canada-US relations, the growing dangers of
nuclear proliferation, terrorism, and political engagement. A quote Hurtig
discovered in a secret Canadian Department of Defence report about a future
nuclear attack: "You could take out Halifax quite nicely."

Mel Hurtig is a former bookstore owner, well known publisher and acclaimed
author. In 1985, he formed The Council of Canadians, to preserve Canadian
values and sovereignty. He is the former chairman of the Committee for an
Independent Canada. Mel Hurtig is an officer of the Order of Canada and has
honorary degrees from six universities. Mel Hurtig has written several books
including The Betrayal of Canada,  At Twilight in the Country/Memoirs of a
Canadian Nationalist, Pay the Rent or Feed the Kids: The Tragedy and
Disgrace of Poverty in Canada, The Vanishing Country, and his latest Rushing
to Armageddon: The Shocking Truth About Canada, Missile Defence, and Star

Town Hall: Canada’s new International Policy Statement – What you need to
know Wednesday November 9 8:00-9:30 pm Rm. 104 Weldon Law Building, 6061
University Ave., Dalhousie University. 

The general public is invited to attend a free town hall meeting open to
discuss Canada’s new International Policy Statement (IPS). The IPS was
unveiled by the federal government in April 2005 and deals with defence,
diplomacy, development and commerce. This month, the government is seeking
public input about the new statement. Come to the townhall meeting to learn
more about the IPS and how you can give feedback to the government.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and to evaluate the
statement on-line. Have your say!

Organized by the Halifax Peace Coalition and the Society for Corporate
Environmental and Social Responsibility (CESR). More information, please
contact: hfxpeace at chebucto.ca

Upcoming talk by Anna Paskal, program manager with Inter Pares "Terminator
Technology: Implications for Food Sovereignty in the South"
Thursday, November 10, 12:00 - 1:30, room 105, Weldon Law Building 

All are welcome.  

Anna Paskal is a Program Manager with Inter Pares, an international Social
justice organization based in Ottawa. Anna works with the Asia program, and
has particular responsibilities in the area of food and agriculture policy
and programming. Anna holds a Masters degree from the University of Sussex
in England. She is an award-winning filmmaker and the author of "The Water
Gods: An Inside Story of a World Bank Project in Nepal".

Inter Pares is a Canadian organization dedicated to promoting international
social justice. In Canada and overseas we work to build understanding 
about the causes and effects of poverty and injustice, and the need for
social change. It supports communities in developing countries to create
healthy, safe and secure futures. Inter Pares also supports people's
struggles for self-determination and their efforts to challenge
structural obstacles to change, as well as their alternative development

Workshop: How Poverty Issues in the Global South are Represented in Nova
Date: Saturday, November 12, 2005
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: Tatamagouche Centre, RR#3, Tatamagouche, NS
Workshop: How Poverty Issues in the Global South are Represented in Nova
Date: Saturday, November 19, 2005
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: TBD, Halifax, NS
For further details on events in Nova Scotia,  or to register to attend,
please contact Tara Ward or Caren Weisbart at (902) 422-6688,
ethical_images at yahoo.ca

Maude Barlow in Halifax November 23 to talk about her new book. Best-selling
author Maude Barlow's newest book, Too Close for Comfort:Canada's Future
Within Fortress North America, calls for an end to the integration of
Canada's foreign, defence and trade policies with those of George Bush's
America. Despite the deep unpopularity of President Bush in this country,
Canadians are increasingly finding their long-held values challenged by the
national security interests of his administration.
For more information, please contact: Cliff White, Atlantic Regional
Organizer, The Council of Canadians 902 422-7811; cwhite at canadians.org

Pesticide Reduction Forum - November 24th in Wolfville, NS The Sierra Club
of Canada - Atlantic Canada Chapter is hosting a one- day Pesticide
Reduction Forum focusing on municipal initiatives in Atlantic Canada. With
over 85 pesticide bylaws now across Canada and several Atlantic
municipalities considering similar measures, the forum will answer key
questions, coordinate efforts, and help share resources and experience in
the region. The keynote speaker will be Theresa McClenaghan from the
Canadian Environmental Law Association. As a lawyer she has been involved in
the Canadian Supreme Court challenge regarding Hudson Quebec's pesticide
bylaw, and the recent court challenge to Toronto's bylaw. Other speakers
will include Mayors, provincial MLAs, municipal staff and councillors,
researchers, industry representatives, health professionals, and community

For more information visit:
www.sierraclub.ca/atlantic/pesticides/conference.htm or contact Gregor
MacAskill at gregormacaskill at eastlink.ca or (902) 444-3113.  

Nahanni Forever – coming to Halifax, November 29th. Visit www.cpaws.org for
On November 29th, CPAWS's nationwide "Celebrate the Wild Nahanni" Tour will
make a stop in Halifax for an evening full of entertainment and discussion
about wilderness conservation. The tour is part of our '100,000 Canadians
for the Nahanni' campaign, which seeks to expand the boundaries of the
Nahanni National Park Reserve (located in the Northwest Territories) to
encompass the entire watershed of the South Nahanni River, a UNESCO World
Heritage Site. By expanding the boundaries, the park and the wildlife and
ecosystems it protects will be safeguarded against future development and
the effects of a proposed lead/zinc/silver mine.
Alexander MacDonald
Outreach Coordinator
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - NS Chapter (CPAWS NS)
P: 902-446-4155
E: conservation at cpawsns.org

The Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention is calling for speakers for the
10th Canadian Pollution Prevention Roundtable (CPPR).  It will be held in
Halifax, Nova Scotia from June 14-15, 2006. M Presentation abstracts and
bios must be submitted by December 16, 2005. 
If you have some knowledge to share and would like to submit an abstract, or
know of someone who might be interested in presenting, please visit our web
site at www.c2p2online.com/CPPR to access the Call for Speakers submission
form and to see a more detailed description of the program outline. 
If you have any questions please call Sue McKinlay at (519) 337-3425 or
e-mail at sue at c2p2online.com 10th Canadian Pollution Prevention Roundtable


Tamara Lorincz
Coordinator, Nova Scotia Environmental Network (NSEN)
French Student
55 Willowbend Court
Halifax, NS CANADA B3M 3L3
(902) 443-2423
tlorincz at dal.ca
GN: http://www.space4peace.org/
HPC: http://hfxpeace.chebucto.org/
NSEN: http://www.nsen.ca
"A better world is possible"

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