[Sust-mar] [Fwd: [scc-one-club] National Campaign Director - search]

Paul Falvo pfalvo at chebucto.ns.ca
Thu Aug 17 08:39:26 EDT 2006

From: 	Susan Paul <spaul at sierraclub.ca>

Hi Everyone:

The search for SCC’s National Campaign Director has now begun.  The job
opportunity is posted on the national web site, on Charity Village and
on various environmental sites including the Canadian Environmental
Network.  The posting closes on September 15.


Please tell your qualified friends about this great job opportunity and
encourage them to apply.  Also, if any of the chapters would like to
post the job on their web sites, we would appreciate this very much.

Thank you.


Susan Paul

National Operations Director

Sierra Club of Canada

412-1 Nicholas St.

Ottawa  ON.

K1N 7B7

(613) 241 4611


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