[Sust-mar] Walking & Wheeling Quarterly - Spring 2006 Issue

Janet Barlow asrts at ecologyaction.ca
Mon Feb 27 08:55:10 EST 2006

Nova Scotia's Active Transportation Newsletter - Spring 2006

Published by Pathways for People, a project of the Ecology Action Centre and 
the Physical Activity, Sport and Recreation Program Area of Nova Scotia 
Health Promotion



-Hike & Glide in Highlands Winterfest

-Active Living a Strategy for Annapolis County

-Open for Motion: Street Closures Welcome People

-Making Tracks Uncovers Barriers to Walking to School

-East Kings Ponders Multi-Use Trail Network

-Velo Cape Breton Grows Through Chapters

-Safe Wheelin'

-Roll with Bike Week

AT Tidbits



*To view and/or print a formatted copy of this newsletter in PDF format, go
to http://www.gov.ns.ca/ohp/physicalActivity/activeTransportation.asp

Janet Barlow
Active & Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Nova Scotia
asrts at ecologyaction.ca
Tel: (902) 442-5055
Fax: (902) 422-6410
Ecology Action Centre
1568 Argyle St., Suite 31
Halifax, NS  B3J 2B3
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