[Sust-mar] "We Must Take America Back" Speech by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Tamara Lorincz tlorincz at dal.ca
Sun Jan 1 20:04:08 EST 2006

Happy New Year Sust-Mar Friends!

*After reading this article - why would we want to have "smart"
environmental regulations with the US? Please make the environment a federal
election issue!


We Must Take America Back 
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 
t r u t h o u t | Speech 

Saturday 17 September 2005 

Speech delivered at the Sierra Summit 2005 
San Francisco, California 

Complete article: http://server1.truthout.org/docs_2005/091705Z.shtml

"  I think the worst thing that could happen to the environment is it
becomes the province of a single political party. It was mentioned that I
have a book out there that is very critical of this president and that's
true but it's not a partisan book. I didn't write that book because I'm a
Democrat and he's a Republican. If he were a Democrat, I would have written
the same book. I'm not objecting to him because of his political party and
I've worked for Republicans if they're good on the environment and democrats
on the same level but you can't talk honestly about the environment in any
context today without speaking critically of this president. This is the
worst [applause]. 

    This is the worst environmental president we've had in American history.

    If you look at NRDC's website you'll see over 400 major environmental
roll backs that are listed there that have been implemented or proposed by
this administration over the past four years as part of a deliberate
concerted effort to eviscerate 30 years of environmental law. 

    It's a stealth attack. 

    The White House has used all kinds of ingenious machinations to try to
conceal its radical agenda from the American people including Orwellian
rhetoric. When they want to destroy the forests, they call it the Healthy
Forest Act. When they wanted to destroy the air, they called it the Clear
Skies Bill. 

    But most insidiously, they have put polluters in charge of virtually all
the agencies that are supposed to protect Americans from pollution. 

    President Bush appointed as head of the Forest Service a timber industry
lobbyist, Mark Rey, probably the most rapacious in history. He put in charge
of public lands a mining industry lobbyist, Steven Griles, who believes that
public lands are unconstitutional. He put in charge of the air division of
the EPA, Jeffrey Holmstead, a utility lobbyist who has represented nothing
but the worst air polluters in America. As head of Superfund, a woman whose
last job was teaching corporate polluters how to evade Superfund. The second
in command of EPA is a Monsanto lobbyist." 


No to deeper integration environmentally, economically, militarily with the

Happy 2006!


Tamara Lorincz
Coordinator, Nova Scotia Environmental Network (NSEN)
French Student
55 Willowbend Court
Halifax, NS CANADA B3M 3L3
(902) 443-2423
tlorincz at dal.ca
CESR: http://cesr.dsu.dal.ca
GN: http://www.space4peace.org/
HPC: http://hfxpeace.chebucto.org/
NSEN: http://www.nsen.ca
"A better world is possible"

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