[Sust-mar] Walking & Wheeling Quarterly - Summer 2006 Issue

Janet Barlow asrts at ecologyaction.ca
Tue Jun 27 13:56:37 EDT 2006

Nova Scotia's Active Transportation Newsletter - Summer 2006

Published by Pathways for People, a project of the Ecology Action Centre and
the Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection

*Apologies for the late arrival of this issue of Walking & Wheeling

-Cyclist Rides Across Canada for Huntington's Disease
-Pedometers: The Smart Accessory
-Pedaling Upstream: Why I Promote Bicycling
-Geocaching Spices Up a Walk in the Woods
-Cape Breton Active Transportation on a Roll
-Safe Summer "Heeling"
-Feet Hit the Street at Open Streets Festival
-Operation Headway, Underway Again
-CAN-BIKE Workshops Build Pool of Instructors
-Wardens Keep an Eye on Trails

*To view and/or print a formatted copy of this newsletter in PDF format, go
to http://www.gov.ns.ca/hpp/physicalActivity/activeTransportation.asp

Note: this is a new web site address for Walking & Wheeling Quarterly

Janet Barlow
Active & Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Nova Scotia
asrts at ecologyaction.ca
Tel: (902) 442-5055
Fax: (902) 405-3716
Ecology Action Centre, 2705 Fern Lane, Halifax, NS  B3K 4L3
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