[Sust-mar] Fifth Annual Dalhousie Dump and Run - Sunday, April 29 - call for Volunteers and items for donation

Clare Levin clevin at eastlink.ca
Tue Apr 10 11:00:30 EDT 2007

Old furniture cluttering up the basement? Cleaning out the closet for
spring? Got some time to volunteer to help a growing community event? 

The Fifth Annual Dalhousie Dump and Run - Community Garage Sale

WHEN: Sunday, April 29, 2007 from 8am to 4pm
WHERE: The Studley Gymnasium, Dalhousie Campus, University Avenue Entrance

The Dump & Run is a large community garage sale held annually. Community
members donate items, which are re-sold at this one day sale. All proceeds
are donated to charities and non-profit groups.

The Dump & Run is currently seeking volunteers to help with donation
pickups, gym set-up, and to act as sales agents on the day of the sale.
Volunteer positions are also available on campus at Saint Mary's prior to
the event. We are seeking volunteers now through the end of the sale.

Reusable items for donation can be just about anything, including:
furniture, appliances, tools, barbecues, exercise equip, clothing of any
kind, shoes, bedding, towels, pillows, books, magazines, games, kitchen
utensils, pots, pans, small appliances, and anything else that would have
value at a yard sale. Donated items should be clean and ready for sale. Dump
& Run reserves the right to refuse items.

You can drop items off up until Saturday, April 28 (no items are accepted on
the day of the sale). Pick up of large items can also be arranged during the
week prior to the sale. To arrange a pick up or to find out where and when
you can drop off items, please see the website, http://cesr.dsu.dal.ca.

To volunteer or find out more about dropping off used items or having them
picked up, contact us at halifaxdumpandrun at hotmail.com, or  (902) 494-6899,
or check out the website, http://cesr.dsu.dal.ca.

Organized by the Society for Corporate Environmental and Social
Responsibility (CESR) and Saint Mary's University Environmental Society

Sponsored by Dalhousie University, Saint Mary's University, Mountain
Equipment Co-op, Halifax Regional Municipality, the Resource Recovery Fund
Board, Darrell's Restaurant, the Thirsty Duck, Zero Boutique, and Avis

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