[Sust-mar] Atlantic Council for International Cooperation AGM & Symposium

Rena Kulczycki admin at acic-caci.org
Mon Apr 21 13:55:13 EDT 2008

Good Afternoon everyone,
 The Atlantic Council for International Cooperation is pleased and excited
to announce and invite you to attend our 2008 Annual General Meeting and
Symposium, "Collaborating for Change" from May 8-10th in Debert, Nova
Scotia. Join us in exploring and sharing the ways we can come together in
our work for global sustainability in a peaceful and healthy environment,
with social justice, human dignity, and participation for all.

 This year's symposium program covers a broad range of topics, from working
with First Nations groups to Gender Based Analysis, to the challenge of
funding our co-operative efforts. A complete agenda and detailed workshop
descriptions are available, along with a required registration form, on our
website at http://acic-caci.org/news_AGM2008.html.

 Looking forward to receiving your registration forms and working with you
in Debert. If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience.
 Rena Kulczycki, Membership & Communications Assistant
 Atlantic Council for International Cooperation /
 Conseil atlantique pour la coopération internationale
 Suite 210, 2099 Gottingen Street
 Halifax, NS/N.-É. Canada, B3K 3B2
 Tel/Tél: (902) 431-2311 Fax/Téléc: (902) 431-3216
 E-mail/Courriel: admin at acic-caci.org

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