[Sust-mar] posting - Sustainability and Environmental Research Symposium, Dalhousie University

Natasha LaRoche Natasha.LaRoche at Dal.ca
Fri Mar 7 09:38:59 EST 2008

On Friday, March 14th, Dalhousie University will be running the 4th annual
Sustainability and Environmental Research Symposium. A series of events is
scheduled from 1:30 - 6:30 PM. All activities will take place in the Kenneth
Rowe Building at 6100 University Avenue.

Posters featuring the work of approximately 70 researchers, will be set up in
the Atrium on the main floor of the Rowe Building. The poster session starts at
1:30 PM and runs until 3:45 PM.

A panel presentation, entitled Toward Food Sustainability: From Global to Local,
will then run from 3:45 - 5:45 in the Potter Auditorium. The keynote panelist
is Dr. Randall Westgren from the University of Illinois. He will be joined by
Dr. Ralph Martin, Nova Scotia Agricultural College and Founding Director of the
Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada; Dr. Peter Tyedmers, Professor, School of
Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University; Marla MacLeod, Food
Miles Project Coordinator for the Ecology Action Centre, and Sean Gallagher,
Proprieter of Terroir: Local Source Catering.

Following the panel, there will be a reception in Room 2068, featuring excellent
local food presented by Terroir.

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