[Sust-mar] Touching the Earth retreat

Julia Creighton juliamcreighton at eastlink.ca
Sat Mar 27 17:41:51 EDT 2010

Touching the Earth: Awakening the Warrior
St. Margaret's Bay Shambhala Centre

13495 Peggy's Cove Road Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia

April 10  - 9 to 5:30   &   April 11  - 9 to 4:30
$70 - includes two lunches, teas, treats and materials

Join us in a Contemplative Ecology retreat to: 
Bring forth an environmentally sustainable, socially just
and spiritually fulfilling human presence on this Planet.
An uplifted journey recommended and valuable to all -
- whatever your level of understanding and commitment.  

For more information and to register contact:
Jeani Mustain 826-1158,  <mailto:mustain at ns.sympatico.ca>
mustain at ns.sympatico.ca
Generosity policy- no one turned away for lack of funds.



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