[Sust-mar] talk on food/biological medicine oct. 18

Janet Larkman janet at larkman.ca
Sun Sep 26 12:02:00 EDT 2010

cultivating the art of eating
a talk by Dr. Jenni Moon

Last May, Jenni launched the Moon Clinic with a talk on organic food  
and Biological Medicine.
People have been buzzing about it ever since.
If you missed it (or would like to come again), we invite you to join  
us on:

Monday October 18th, 2010 @ 7pm
upstairs at the Wooden Monkey restaurant
(corner of Grafton & Prince Streets, Halifax)

We hope you'll come and bring friends, but space is limited,
so please RSVP Jenni (jmoon at ns.sympatico.ca) by October 11th.
Please indicate if you plan to have supper so we can let the kitchen  
You are encouraged to arrive between 6-6:30pm if you will be ordering  
a meal.

The talk is free.
Special thanks to the Monkey for donating the space,
and for their commitment to local, organic food.
We look forward to seeing you!

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